On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Florian Pflug <f...@phlo.org> wrote:
> While looking into ways to implement a XMLSTRIP function which extracts the 
> textual contents of an XML value and de-escapes them (i.e. > Solving this 
> seems a bit messy, unfortunately. First, I think we need to have some 
> XMLOPTION value which is a superset of all the others - otherwise, dump & 
> restore won't work reliably. That means either allowing DTDs if XMLOPTION is 
> CONTENT, or inventing a third XMLOPTION, say ANY.

Or we can just decide that it was a bug that this was ever allowed,
and if you upgrade to $FIXEDVERSION you'll need to sanitize your data.
 This is roughly what we did with encoding checks.

> We then need to ensure that combining XML values yields something that is 
> valid according to the most general XMLOPTION setting. That means either
> (1) Removing the DTD from all but the first argument to XMLCONCAT, and 
> similarly all but the first value passed to XMLAGG
> or
> (2) Complaining if these values contain a DTD.
> or
> (3) Allowing multiple DTDs in a document if XMLOPTION is, say, ANY.
> I'm not in favour of (3), since clients are unlikely to be able to process 
> such a value. (1) matches how we currently handle XML declarations (<?xml 
> …?>), so I'm slightly in favour of that.

I don't like #3, mostly because I don't like XMLOPTION ANY in the
first place.  Either #1 or #2 sounds OK.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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