On 2013-12-23 10:56:07 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> > Well, it really depends on the usecase. Reading
> > SELECT header.xmin, header.xmax
> > FROM sometable tbl,
> >     pg_tuple_header(tbl.tableoid, tbl.ctid) header;
> > is surely harder to understand than
> > SELECT tbl.xmin, tbl.xmax
> > FROM sometable tbl;
> > and the latter is noticeably cheaper since we're not re-fetching the
> > tuple, especially when the tuple is the result of a more complicated
> > query including a seqscan, we might often need to re-fetch the tuple
> > from disk, thanks to the ringbuffer.
> >
> > That really makes me less than convinced that the function based
> > approach is the right tool for everything.

> Meh.  Who are all of these people who are fetching xmin, xmax, cmin,
> and cmax in complex queries, and why are they doing that?

I have seen it done to avoid ABA problems in cache invalidation
mechanisms by simply checking ctid, xmin, xmax to stay the same.

> If those
> columns are just for forensic purposes, then whatever performance
> disadvantages the function-based approach has don't really matter.  If
> people are using them as integral parts of their application, then
> that's more of a concern, but how are those people not getting broken
> every release or three anyway?  We keep inventing things like
> combo-cids and multi-xacts and multi-xacts that also contain an update
> and now freezing without changing xmin, and if you're actually relying
> on those columns for anything but forensics your application is
> presumably going to break when we change whatever part it depends on.

Well, all of the fundamental changes (combocids, the initial multixact
introduction) have been quite some time ago. I think backward compat has
a much higher value these days (I also don't see much point in looking
at cmin/cmax for anything but diagnostic purposes). I don't think any of
the usecases I've seen would be broken by either fk-locks (multixacts
have been there before, doesn't matter much that they now contain
updates) nor by forensic freezing. The latter because they really only
checked that xmin/xmax were the same, and we hopefully haven't broken

But part of my point really was the usability, not only the
performance. Requiring LATERAL queries to be usable sensibly causes a
"Meh" from my side ;)


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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