On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 4:51 AM, Alexander Korotkov <aekorot...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I've compiled it with clang. Yeah, there was mixed declarations. I've
> rechecked it with gcc, now it gives no warnings. I didn't try it with
> visual studio, but I hope it will be OK.
Thanks for the patch. It now compiles without any problems.
I've been doing a bit of testing with the patch testing a few different
workloads. One thing that I've found is that in my test case when the table
only contains 1 tuple for any given presort columns that the query is
actually slower than when there are say 100 tuples to sort for any given
presort group.

Here is my test case:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temperature_readings;

CREATE TABLE temperature_readings (
  readingid SERIAL NOT NULL,
  locationid INT NOT NULL,
  temperature INT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (readingid)

INSERT INTO temperature_readings (timestamp,locationid,temperature)
SELECT ts.timestamp, loc.locationid, -10 + random() * 40
FROM generate_series('1900-04-01','2000-04-01','1 day'::interval)
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1) loc(locationid);

VACUUM ANALYZE temperature_readings;

-- Warm buffers
SELECT AVG(temperature) FROM temperature_readings;

explain (buffers, analyze) select * from temperature_readings order by
timestamp,locationid; -- (seqscan -> sort) 70.805ms

-- create an index to allow presorting on timestamp.
CREATE INDEX temperature_readings_timestamp_idx ON temperature_readings

-- warm index buffers
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT timestamp FROM temperature_readings ORDER BY
timestamp) c;

explain (buffers, analyze) select * from temperature_readings order by
timestamp,locationid; -- index scan -> partial sort 253.032ms

The first query without the index to presort on runs in 70.805 ms, the 2nd
query uses the index to presort and runs in 253.032 ms.

I ran the code through a performance profiler and found that about 80% of
the time is spent in tuplesort_end and tuplesort_begin_heap.

If it was possible to devise some way to reuse any previous tuplesortstate
perhaps just inventing a reset method which clears out tuples, then we
could see performance exceed the standard seqscan -> sort. The code the way
it is seems to lookup the sort functions from the syscache for each group
then allocate some sort space, so quite a bit of time is also spent in
palloc0() and pfree()

If it was not possible to do this then maybe adding a cost to the number of
sort groups would be better so that the optimization is skipped if there
are too many sort groups.


David Rowley

> ------
> With best regards,
> Alexander Korotkov.

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