Robert Haas <> writes:
> We could certainly add a function that returns SETOF record, taking
> e.g. regclass as an argument, but it doesn't seem a stretch to me to
> think that you might want to get tuple header information for some but
> not all tuples in the relation, and I don't see any real good way to
> tell the function exactly what tuples you want except by invoking it
> once per TID.

I have no objection to having a function that retrieves the details for
a given TID alongside one that does it for a whole relation.  The point
here is just that we should be headed in the direction of removing as
many system columns as we can, not adding more; especially not ones that
(a) have no purpose except forensics and (b) are virtually certain to
change across system versions.

                        regards, tom lane

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