On Sat, 2014-01-11 at 00:48 -0200, Fabrízio de Royes Mello wrote:
> > Now, if bdr is installed but the validation doesn't happen unless
> bdr
> > is "loaded" in some sense, then that is an implementation deficiency
> > that I think we can insist be rectified before this feature is
> accepted.
> >

> Check if extension is already installed is not enough for the first
> version of this feature?

Elsewhere it was argued that tying this to extensions is not
appropriate.  I agree.

It depends on how this feature is supposed to be used exactly.  A
replication plugin might very well be loaded via
session_preload_libraries and not appear in SQL at all.  In that case
you need some C-level hook.  In another case, an extension might want to
inspect relation options from user-space triggers.  So you'd need to
register some SQL-level function for option validation.

This could end up being two separate but overlapping features.

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