On 01/09/2014 11:19 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Dean Rasheed <dean.a.rash...@gmail.com> writes:
>> My first thought was that it should just preprocess any security
>> barrier quals in subquery_planner() in the same way as other quals are
>> preprocessed. But thinking about it further, those quals are destined
>> to become the quals of subqueries in the range table, so we don't
>> actually want to preprocess them at that stage --- that will happen
>> later when the new subquery is planned by recursion back into
>> subquery_planner(). So I think the right answer is to make
>> adjust_appendrel_attrs() handle recursion into sublink subqueries.
> TBH, this sounds like doubling down on a wrong design choice.  I see
> no good reason that updatable security views should require any
> fundamental rearrangements of the order of operations in the planner.

In that case, would you mind offerign a quick sanity check on the
following alternative idea:

- Add "sourceRelation" to Query. This refers to the RTE that supplies
tuple projections to feed into ExecModifyTable, with appropriate resjunk
"ctid" and (if requ'd) "oid" cols present.

- When expanding a target view into a subquery, set "sourceRelation" on
the outer view to the index of the RTE of the newly expanded subquery.

- In rewriteTargetView, as now, reassign resultRelation to the target
view's base rel. This is required so that  do any RETURNING and WITH
CHECK OPTION fixups required to adjust the RETURNING list to the new
result relation, so they act on the final tuple after any BEFORE
triggers act. Do not flatten the view subquery and merge the quals (as
currently happens); allow it to be expanded as a subquery by the
rewriter instead. Don't mess with the view tlist at this point except by
removing the whole-row Var added by rewriteTargetListUD.

- When doing tlist expansion in preprocess_targetlist, when we process
the outer Query (the only one for which query type is not SELECT, and
the only one that has a non-zero resultRelation), if resultRelation !=
sourceRelation recursively follow the chain of sourceRelation s to the
bottom one with type RTE_RELATION. Do tlist expansion on that inner-most
Query first, using sourceRelation to supply the varno for injected TLEs,
including injecting "ctid", "oid" if req'd, etc. During call stack
unwind, have each intermediate layer do regular tlist expansion, adding
a Var pointing to each tlist entry of the inner subquery.

At the outer level of preprocess_targetlist, sort the tlist, now
expanded to include all required vars, into attribute order for the
resultRelation. (this level is the only one that has resultRelation set).

Avoid invoking preprocess_targetlist on the inner Query again when it's
processed in turn, or just bail out when we see sourceRelation set since
we know it's already been done.

(Alternately, it might be possible to run preprocess_targetlist
depth-first instead of the current outermost-first, but I haven't looked
at that).

The optimizer can still flatten non-security-barrier updatable views,
following the chain of Vars as it collapses each layer. That's
effectively what the current rewriteTargetView code is doing manually at
each pass right now.

I'm sure there are some holes in this outline, but it's struck me as
possibly workable. The key is to set sourceRelation on every inner
subquery in the target query chain, not just the outer one, so it can be
easily followed from the outer query though the subqueries into the
innermost query with RTE_RELATION type.

The only alternative I've looked at is looking clumsier the longer I
examine it: adding a back-reference in each subquery's Query struct, to
the Query containing it and the RTI of the subquery within the outer
Query. That way, once rewriting hits the innermost rel with RTE_RELATION
type, the rewriter can walk back up the Query tree doing tlist
rewriting. I'm not sure if this is workable yet, and it creates ugly
pointer-based backrefs *up* the Query chain, making what was previously
a tree of Query* into a graph. That could get exciting, though there'd
never be any need for mutators to follow the parent query pointer so it
wouldn't make tree rewrites harder.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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