On 13.1.2014 18:07, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 6:15 AM, Tomas Vondra <t...@fuzzy.cz
> <mailto:t...@fuzzy.cz>> wrote:
>     On 8.1.2014 22:58, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
>     > Thanks for reporting. Fixed version is attached.
>     I've tried to rerun the 'archie' benchmark with the current patch, and
>     once again I got
>        PANIC:  could not split GIN page, didn't fit
>     I reran it with '--enable-cassert' and with that I got
>     TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(ginCompareItemPointers(&items[i - 1],
>                        &items[i]) < 0)", File: "gindatapage.c", Line: 149)
>     LOG:  server process (PID 5364) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
>     DETAIL:  Failed process was running: INSERT INTO messages ...
>     so the assert in GinDataLeafPageGetUncompressed fails for some reason.
>     I can easily reproduce it, but my knowledge in this area is rather
>     limited so I'm not entirely sure what to look for.
> I've fixed this bug and many other bug. Now patch passes test suite that
> I've used earlier. The results are so:

OK, it seems the bug is gone. However now there's a memory leak
somewhere. I'm loading pgsql mailing list archives (~600k messages)
using this script


And after loading about 1/5 of the data, all the memory gets filled by
the pgsql backends (loading the data in parallel) and the DB gets killed
by the OOM killer.


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