On Sun, 29 Sep 2002, Tom Lane wrote:

> Justin Clift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Would it be beneficial for us to extend "pg_config" to update the
> > postgresql.conf file?
> This seems far outside pg_config's charter.  It is a simple
> information reporter that can be run by anybody.  Making it able
> to mess with (or even look at) postgresql.conf introduces a host
> of permissions problems and logistical issues.
> I don't really see what's wrong with using a text editor anyway ;-)

Obviously he wants a tool that allows setting parameters from a shell
script or something for use within pg_autotune.  I don't see why it is
bad to have a tool to do this; if someone can use it (and modify
postgresql.conf) obviously he has permission to read (and write)

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[@]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Hoy es el primer dia del resto de mi vida"

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