Alvaro Herrera escribió:

> Here's a first cut at this.  Note I have omitted a setting equivalent to
> autovacuum_freeze_max_age, but I think we should have one too.

Some more comments on the patch:

* I haven't introduced settings to tweak this per table for
autovacuum.  I don't think those are needed.  It's not hard to do,
however; if people opine against this, I will implement that.

* The multixact_freeze_table_age value has been set to 5 million.
I feel this is a big enough number that shouldn't cause too much
vacuuming churn, while at the same time not leaving excessive storage
occupied by pg_multixact/members, which amplifies the space used by the
average number of member in each multi.

(A bit of math: each Xid uses 2 bits.  Therefore for the default 200
million transactions of vacuum_freeze_table_age we use 50 million bytes,
or about 27 MB of space, plus some room for per-page LSNs.  For each
Multi we use 4 bytes in offset plus 5 bytes per member; if we consider 2
members per multi in average, that totals 70 million bytes for the
default multixact_freeze_table_age, so 66 MB of space.)

* I have named the parameters by simply replacing "vacuum" with
"multixact".  I could instead have added the "multixact" word in the
but this doesn't seem an improvement.

* In the word "Multixact" in the docs I left the X as lowercase.  I used
uppercase first but that looked pretty odd.  In the middle of a
sentence, the M is also lowercase.

I reworded the paragraph in maintenance.sgml a bit.  If there are
suggestions, please shout.

     Similar to transaction IDs, Multixact IDs are implemented as a 32-bit
     counter and corresponding storage which requires careful aging management,
     storage cleanup, and wraparound handling.  Multixacts are used to implement
     row locking by multiple transactions: since there is limited space in the
     tuple header to store lock information, that information is stored 
     and only a reference to it is in the <structfield>xmax</> field in the 

     As with transaction IDs,
     <command>VACUUM</> is in charge of removing old values.  Each
     <command>VACUUM</> run sets 
     indicating the oldest possible value still stored in that table; every time
     this value is older than <xref linkend="guc-multixact-freeze-table-age">, a
     full-table scan is forced.
     During any table scan (either partial or full-table), any multixact older
     than <xref linkend="guc-multixact-freeze-min-age"> is replaced by something
     else, which can be the zero value, a single transaction ID,
     or a newer multixact.  Eventually, as all tables in all databases are
     scanned and their oldest multixact values are advanced, on-disk storage for
     older multixacts can be removed.


Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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