
* Thom Brown ( wrote:
> Application to Google Summer of Code 2014 can be made as of next
> Monday (3rd Feb), and then there will be a 12 day window in which to
> submit an application.

This is just for PG to be a participating organization, right?  There's
a while before mentors and students get invovled, as I understand it.

> I'd like to gauge interest from both mentors and students as to
> whether we'll want to do this.


> And I'd be fine with being admin again this year, unless there's
> anyone else who would like to take up the mantle?

Having you do it works for me. :)

> Who would be up for mentoring this year?  And are there any project
> ideas folk would like to suggest?

I'm interested in mentoring and, unlike previous years, I've been
collecting a personal list of things that I'd like to see worked on for
PG which could be GSoC projects and will provide such in the next few
days to this list (unless there's a different list that people want such
posted to..?).



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