Hello Robert,

>I'm not particularly in favor of implementing this as client-side
>functionality, because then it's only available to people who use that
>particular client.  Simon Riggs proposed a server-side option to the
>DROP DATABASE command some time ago, and I think that might be the way
>to go.

you please direct me -if possible- to the thread. I think,implementing
it on the client side gives the user the some visibility and control. 
Initially, I wanted to force drop the
database, then I have changed it to kill connections. I think the
change in the client tool, is simple and covers the main reason for not
being able to drop a database. I think, killing client connection is one of the 

having an option like "DROP DATABASE [IF EXISTS, FORCE] database" is
more crisp. However, what does "force" mean?  many options exist such as 
killing the connections gently, waiting
for connections to terminate, killing connections immediately. Also,
as Alvaro Herrera mentioned, DROP OWNED BY and/or REASSIGNED OWNED BY
might hinder the force option -an example here would be nice-. So, for quick 
wins, I prefer the kill
option in the client side; but, for mature solution , certainly back-end is the 
way to proceed.


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