On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Heikki Linnakangas

> On 02/05/2014 12:42 PM, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
>> Attached patch is "light" version of fast scan. It does extra consistent
>> function calls only on startScanKey, no extra calls during scan of the
>> index.
>> It finds subset of rarest entries absence of which guarantee false
>> consistent function result.
> Sounds good. Since the extra consistent calls are only performed at
> startup, it's unlikely to cause any noticeable performance regression, even
> when it's not helping.
>  I've run real-life tests based of postgresql.org logs (33318 queries).
>> Here
>> is a table with summary time of running whole test case.
>> =# select method, sum(time) from test_result group by method order by
>> method;
>>         method        |       sum
>> ---------------------+------------------
>>   fast-scan-11        | 126916.111999999
>>   fast-scan-light     |       137321.211
>>   heikki              |       466751.693
>>   heikki-true-ternary | 454113.623999997
>>   master              |       446976.288
>> (6 rows)
>> where 'heikki' is gin-ternary-logic binary-heap
>> preconsistent-only-on-new-page.patch and 'heikki-true-ternary' is version
>> with my catalog changes promoting ternary consistent function to opclass.
> Looks good.
>  We can see fast-scan-light gives almost same performance benefit on "&"
>> queries. However, I test only CPU effect, not IO effect.
>> Any thoughts?
> This test doesn't handle lossy-pages correctly:
>                  /*
>>                  * Check if all items marked as scanEntryUseForSkip is
>> not present in
>>                  * minItem. If so, we can correct advancePast.
>>                  */
>>                 if (ginCompareItemPointers(&minItem, &minItemSkip) < 0)
>>                 {
>>                         advancePast = minItemSkip;
>>                         advancePast.ip_posid--;
>>                         continue;
>>                 }
> If minItemSkip is a lossy page, we skip all exact items on the same page.
> That's wrong, here's a test case to demonstrate:
> CREATE TABLE foo (ts tsvector);
> INSERT INTO foo SELECT to_tsvector('foo bar'||g) from generate_series(1,
> 1000000) g;
> CREATE INDEX i_foo ON foo USING gin (ts);
> set work_mem='64'; -- to force lossy pages
> -- should return 111111
> select count(*) from foo where ts @@ to_tsquery('foo & bar4:*');
> After some fiddling (including fixing the above), I ended up with the
> attached version of your patch. I still left out the catalog changes, again
> not because I don't think we should have them, but to split this into
> smaller patches that can be reviewed separately. I extended the "both ways"
> shim function to work with more than one "maybe" input. Of course, that is
> O(n^2), where n is the number of "maybe" arguments, so that won't scale,
> but it's OK for testing purposes. And many if not most real world queries,
> too.
> I had a very hard time understanding what it really means for an entry to
> be in the scanEntryUseForSkip array. What does it mean to "use" an entry
> for skipping?
> So I refactored that logic, to hopefully make it more clear. In essence,
> the entries are divided into two groups, required and other items. If none
> of the entries in the required set are true, then we know that the overall
> qual cannot match. See the comments for a more detailed explanation. I'm
> not wedded to the term "required" here; one might think that *all* the
> entries in the required set must be TRUE for a match, while it's actually
> that at least one of them must be TRUE.
> In keyGetItem, we fetch the minimum item among all the entries in the
> requiredEntries set. That's the next item we're going to return, regardless
> of any items in otherEntries set. But before calling the consistent
> function, we advance the other entries up to that point, so that we know
> whether to pass TRUE or FALSE to the consistent function. IOW, otherEntries
> only provide extra information for the consistent function to decide if we
> have a match or not - they don't affect which items we return to the caller.
> I think this is pretty close to committable state now. I'm slightly
> disappointed that we can't do the skipping in more scenarios. For example,
> in "foo & bar", we can currently skip "bar" entry up to the next "foo", but
> we cannot skip "foo" up to the next "bar". But this is fairly simple, and
> since we sort the entries by estimated frequency, should already cover all
> the pathological "rare & frequent" type queries. So that's OK.

Sorry for my scanty explanation. Your version of patch looks good for me.
I've rerun my testcase:

=# select method, sum(time) from test_result group by method order by
         method         |       sum
 fast-scan-11           | 126916.111999999
 fast-scan-light        |       137321.211
 fast-scan-light-heikki | 138168.028000001
 heikki                 |       466751.693
 heikki-tru-ternary     | 454113.623999997
 master                 |       446976.288
 tri-state              |       444725.515
(7 rows)

Difference is very small. For me, it looks ready for commit.

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

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