On 3 Oct 2002 at 11:23, Greg Copeland wrote:

> On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 10:56, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> > Well, we were comparing ext3 v/s reiserfs. I don't remember the journalling 
> > mode of ext3 but we did a 10 GB write test. Besides converting the RAID to RAID-
> > 0 from RAID-5 might have something to do about it.
> > 
> > There was a discussion on hackers some time back as in which file system is 
> > better. I hope this might have an addition over it..
> Hmm.  Reiserfs' claim to fame is it's low latency with many, many small
> files and that it's journaled.  I've never seem anyone comment about it
> being considered an extremely fast file system in an general computing
> context nor have I seen any even hint at it as a file system for use in
> heavy I/O databases.  This is why Reiserfs is popular with news and
> squid cache servers as it's almost an ideal fit.  That is, tons of small
> files or directories contained within a single directory.  As such, I'm
> very surprised that reiserfs is even in the running for your comparison.
> Might I point you toward XFS, JFS, or ext3, ?  As I understand it, XFS
> and JFS are going to be your preferred file systems for for this type of
> application with XFS in the lead as it's tool suite is very rich and
> robust.  I'm actually lacking JFS experience but from what I've read,
> it's a notch or two back from XFS in robustness (assuming we are talking
> Linux here).  Feel free to read and play to find out for your self.  I'd
> recommend that you start playing with XFS to see how the others
> compare.  After all, XFS' specific claim to fame is high throughput w/
> low latency on large and very large files.  Furthermore, they even have
> a real time mechanism that you can further play with to see how it
> effects your throughput and/or latencies.

I would try that. Once we are thr. with tests at our hands..


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