On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
> The specific issues mentioned on this thread look more like bugs to be
> addressed or additional operators which need to be implemented for
> jsonb (imv, that should really be done for 9.4, but we have this
> deadline looming...) along with perhaps dropping the implicit cast
> between json and hstore (is there really a need for it..?).

Bugs/bad behaviors should be addressed (which AFAICT are mostly if not
all due to implicit casts).  "Missing" operators OTOH are should not
hold up the patch, particuarly when the you have the option of an
explicit cast to hstore if you really want them.

Notwithstanding some of the commentary above, some of jsonb features
(in particular, the operators) are quite useful and should find
regular usage (json has them also, but jsonb removes the performance
penalty).  The upshot is that with the current patch you have to do a
lot of casting to get 100% feature coverage and that future
improvements to jsonb will remove the necessity of that.  Also the
hstore type will be required to do anything approximating the nosql

I don't think the extension issue is a deal breaker either way.  While
I have a preference for extensions generally, this is nothing personal
to jsonb.  And if we can't come to a consensus on that point the patch
should be accepted on precedent (json being in core).


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