Well, we don't supported Infinity and NaN in json(b), as well as Json
standard :)
Now we need a script, which generated nice html table.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Yeb Havinga <yebhavi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2014-04-03 09:40, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
>> Sure, we don't follow. I mean should we add to documentation
>> such matrices.
>> Oleg
>> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Oleg Bartunov <obartu...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I'm wondering if we should follow all js equility rules as
>>> nicely visualized in
>>> http://strilanc.com/visualization/2014/03/27/Better-JS-Equality-Table.html
>>> Oleg
> +1
> I was a bit curious what the result would be. A quick inspection of the
> query results below gave the impression that the matrix would probably show
> a diagonal line. Even though the table is not necessary as a reference to
> strange equality rules, a table of equality showing a diagonal will be easy
> to remember.
> regards,
> Yeb
> drop table testjsonb;
> create table testjsonb(a jsonb);
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('true');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('false');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('1');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('0');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('-1');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('"true"');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('"false"');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('"1"');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('"0"');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('""');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('null');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('undefined');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('Infinity');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('-Infinity');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('[]');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('{}');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('[{}]');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('[0]');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('[1]');
> insert into testjsonb (a) values ('NaN');
> select  a.a, b.a, a.a = b.a
> from    testjsonb a, testjsonb b

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