(Sorry if this breaks the thread history; on mobile)

> > Am I right in thinking that the "locking gotcha" only happens if you 
> > create a security_barrier view conaining a "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE"? If 
> > so, that seems like rather a niche case - not that that means we 
> > shouldn't warn people about it. 
> Hmm, the 'gotcha' I was referring to was the issue discussed upthread 
> around rows getting locked to be updated which didn't pass all the quals 
> (they passed the security_barrier view's, but not the user-supplied 
> ones), which could happen during a normal 'update' against a 
> security_barrier view, right?  I didn't think that would require the 
> view definition to be 'FOR UPDATE';

It doesn't require the view to be defined FOR UPDATE.

I'll try to write an isolstiontester case to donstrate this on the weekend.
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