On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
> Ehhh.  No.  If it's a hot page that we've been holding in *our* cache
> long enough, the kernel will happily evict it as 'cold' from *its*
> cache, leading to...

This is a whole nother problem.

It is worrisome that we could be benchmarking the page replacement
algorithm in Postgres and choose a page replacement algorithm that
chooses pages that performs well because it tends to evict pages that
are in the OS cache. And then one day (hopefully not too far off)
we'll fix the double buffering problem and end up with a strange
choice of page replacement algorithm.

It also means that every benchmark is super sensitive to the how large
a fraction of system memory Postgres is managing. If A benchmark of a
page replacement algorithm with 3GB shared buffers might perform well
compared to others on a system with 8GB or 32GB total RAM but actually
be choosing pages very poorly in normal terms and perform terribly on
a system with 4GB total ram.

Ideally what I would like to see is instrumentation of Postgres's
buffer pinning so we can generate various test loads and then just run
the different algorithms on them and measure precisely how many page
evictions it's causing and when how often it's choosing pages that
need to be read in soon after and so on. We shouldn't have to run
Postgres to get these counts at all, just run the algorithm as we read
through a text file (or database table) listing the pages being


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