
* Alfred Perlstein ( wrote:
> Stephen, please calm down on the hyperbole, seriously, picking
> another db is not an attack.

Perhaps it wasn't intended by you, but to those of us reading it, your
comments came across clearly as "if you don't fix this, then we
won't use PG".  Email certainly isn't perfect but I hope you can
understand our confusion- why else bring up MySQL or any other database
if not to try and push us to do what you want?  It's hard for me to see
how bringing up other databases or making comments about us being
"Linux-only" are anything other than attempts to persude by threating
that we might lose a user or users.

> I was simply asking for a feature that would make my life easier as
> both an admin deploying postgresql and a kernel dev attempting to
> fix a problem.  I'm one guy, probably the only guy right now asking.
> Honestly the thought of needing to compile two versions of
> postgresql to do sysv vs mmap performance would take me more time
> than I would like to devote to the issue when my time is already
> limited.

That's certainly unfortunate.  For my 2c, I'd recommend that you write a
minimal implementation that allows you to test just the sysv-vs-mmap
case (which could certainly take an option, to avoid having to
recompile during testing), or even ask if anyone here already has; I
wouldn't be at all surprised if both Robert and Francois did exactly
that already, nor would I be surprised if someone volunteered to write
such a small C utility for you, if it meant that this issue would be
fixed in FreeBSD that much sooner.

Asking for help to address the FreeBSD performance would have been much
better received.



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