On 05/03/2014 01:07 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2014-05-02 18:57:08 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> Just got a report of a replication issue with 9.2.8 from a community member:
>> Here's the sequence:
>> 1) A --> B (sync rep)
>> 2) Shut down B
>> 3) Shut down A
>> 4) Start up B as a master
>> 5) Start up A as sync replica of B
>> 6) A successfully joins B as a sync replica, even though its transaction
>> log is 1016 bytes *ahead* of B.
>> 7) Transactions written to B all hang
>> 8) Xlog on A is now corrupt, although the database itself is OK
> This is fundamentally borked practice.
>> Now, the above sequence happened because of the user misunderstanding
>> what sync rep really means.  However, A should not have been able to
>> connect with B in replication mode, especially in sync rep mode; that
>> should have failed.  Any thoughts on why it didn't?
> I'd guess that B, while starting up, has written further WAL records
> bringing it further ahead of A.

Apparently not; from what I've seen pg_stat_replication even *shows*
that the replica is ahead of the master.  Futher, Postgres should have
recognized that there was a timeline branch point before A's last
record, no?

I'm working on getting permission to access the DB files.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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