On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 16:37, Robert Treat wrote:

> I'm pretty sure BSD allows you to relicense derived code as you see fit.
> However, any derived project that was released GPL would have a hell of
> a time ever getting put back into the main source (short of
> relicensing).

Exactly.  This is one of the reasons why BSD license is very much liked
by proprietary software vendors (think MSFT), unlike the GPL which
doesn't allow someone to change and redistribute their work with
restrictive licenses.


(BTW: I'm not asking to change the license of Postgresql, I know the -
dogmatic -  answer to that one.  So please don't misunderstand my mail)

Tycho Fruru                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Prediction is extremely difficult. Especially about the future."
  - Niels Bohr

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