On 04/26/2014 12:39 PM, Jim Nasby wrote:
> On 4/17/14, 6:42 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
>> So we have some software we've been procrastinating on OSS'ing, which
>> does:
>> 1) Takes full query CSV logs from a running postgres instance
>> 2) Runs them against a target instance in parallel
>> 3) Records response times for all queries
> Is that the stuff you'd worked on for us forever ago? I thought that was
> just pgreplay based, but now I don't remember.

Yes.  It's based around the same principles as pgreplay -- a replay from
logs -- but used python and multiprocess to allow for much higher levels
of concurrency as well as not completely halting due to deadlock errors.

However, this is all a bit of a tangent.  While we want to give users
better tools for testing, we also need some reasonable way to get them
*involved* in testing.  That's the main thing I was looking for feedback on.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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