On 05/16/2014 01:28 PM, Andres Freund wrote:

After Heikki has fixed the bit btree_gist bugs my valgrind run shows a
bug in macaddr.

Presumably it's because the type is a fixed width type with a length of
6. I guess it's allocating stuff sizeof(macaddr) but then passes the
result around as a Datum which doesn't work well.

The complaints seem to be coming from all the varlen data types, too, not just macaddr:

==14219==    by 0x6B74BF1: gbt_macad_compress (btree_macaddr.c:113)
==14250==    by 0x6B75C45: gbt_text_picksplit (btree_text.c:215)
==14280==    by 0x6B76063: gbt_bytea_picksplit (btree_bytea.c:143)
==14292==    by 0x6B76591: gbt_bit_union (btree_bit.c:173)

I'm not seeing those valgrind warnings when I run it. Can you give more details on how to reproduce?

- Heikki

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