Albe Laurenz <> writes:
> In addition to data type mapping questions (which David already raised)
> I have one problem when I think of the Oracle FDW:

> Oracle follows the SQL standard in folding table names to upper case.
> So this would normally result in a lot of PostgreSQL foreign tables
> with upper case names, which would be odd and unpleasant.

> I cannot see a way out of that, but I thought I should mention it.

It seems like it would often be desirable for the Oracle FDW to smash
all-upper-case names to all-lower-case while importing, so that no quoting
is needed on either side.  I doubt though that this is so desirable that
it should happen unconditionally.

Between this and the type-mapping questions, it seems likely that
we're going to need a way for IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA to accept
user-supplied control options, which would in general be specific
to the FDW being used.  (Another thing the SQL committee failed to
think about.)

                        regards, tom lane

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