I've been on the receiving end of a couple of mumbles about the fact that the JSON rendering code ignores casts of builtin types to JSON. This was originally done as an optimization to avoid doing cache lookups for casts for things we knew quite well how to turn into JSON values (unlike, say, hstore). However, there is at least one concrete case where this has some possibly undesirable consequences, namely timestamps. Many JSON processors, especially JavaScript/ECMAScript processors, require timestamp values to be in ISO 8601 format, with a 'T' between the date part and the time part, and thus they barf on the output we produce for such values.

I'm therefore wondering if we should just remove this optimization. I don't have any performance figures, but it seems unlikely to be terribly expensive. Perhaps in 9.5 we should look at caching a lot of the info the json rendering code gathers, but that's something we can't look at now.



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