Hello all,

This is a continuation of the thread found here:

Considering this seems to be a problem with the planner I thought that maybe 
would be a better idea to post this problem here.

To summarize the original thread I upgraded a medium (17Gb) database from 
PostgreSQL 8.4 to 9.3 and many of the queries my application uses started 
performing a lot slower, Merlin advised me to try disabling nestloop, this 
helped out for the particular query I was asking about but it is not a solution 
that I "can/would like" to use in the general case.

I simplified a little bit the original query and I have added another one with 
same problem.

query 1:

query 1 postgres 9.3 nestloop enabled:

query 1 postgres 8.4:

query 1 postgres 9.3 nestloop disabled:

query 1 postgres 9.3 changed "having min(ts_recepcion) =" for "where 
ts_recepcion = "

query 2:

query 2 postgres 9.3 nestloop enabled:

query 2 postgres 8.4:

query 2 postgres 9.3 nestloop disabled:

query 2 postgres 9.3 changed "between" to "equal" for date filter:

As you can see in this links the problem disappears when I disable nestloop, 
another thing I discovered making different combinations of changes is that it 
seems to be related with date/timestamp fields, small changes to the queries 
fix the problem without disabling nestloop.

For example in query 1 changing this:
  WHERE cab.id_almacen_destino = 109
  GROUP BY mo.modelo_id
  HAVING MIN(cab.time_stamp_recepcion)::date = (current_date - interval '30 

to this:
  WHERE cab.id_almacen_destino = 109
    AND cab.time_stamp_recepcion::date = (current_date - interval '30 
  GROUP BY mo.modelo_id

in the first subquery fixed the execution time problem, I know the result is 
not the same, the second change is a better example:

In query2 changing this:
WHERE fecha BETWEEN '2014-05-19' AND '2014-05-19'
to this:
WHERE fecha = '2014-05-19'

fixes the problem, as you can see in the different explains.

This changes are not needed to make PostgreSQL 8.4 take the correct plan but 
they are in 9.2/9.3, I haven't tried 9.1 or 9.0 yet.

Merlin advised me to create a small test case, the thing is that the tables 
involved can be pretty large. The best way to create a good test case would be 
to use generate_series or something alike to try to replicate this problem from 
zero without any dump, no?

Miguel Angel.

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