On 09/06/14 14:47, David G Johnston wrote:
Ian Barwick wrote

The JDBC API provides the getGeneratedKeys() method as a way of retrieving
primary key values without the need to explicitly specify the primary key
column(s). This is a widely-used feature, however the implementation has
performance drawbacks.

Currently this feature is implemented in the JDBC driver by appending
"RETURNING *" to the supplied statement. However this means all columns of
affected rows will be returned to the client, which causes significant
performance problems, particularly on wide tables. To mitigate this, it
be desirable to enable the JDBC driver to request only the primary key

Seems like a good idea.

      ERROR:  Relation does not have any primary key(s)

"Relation does not have a primary key."
"Relation has no primary key." (preferred)

By definition it cannot have more than one so it must have none.

Ah yes, amazing what a fresh pair of eyes does :). The plural is
the vestige of an earlier iteration which said something about
the relation not having any primary key column(s).

Will fix, thanks.


Ian Barwick

 Ian Barwick                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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