I need to initialize the db as the root and start the database server. In
order to accomplish this, I modified the initdb.c source file of pgsql
package and tried to compile it. Eventhough the build was successful, I
couldn't see the root user able to execute initdb executable generated by
the build. I wanted to know if there is any other procedure for building
the postgresql procedure?


Below is the changes done in initdb.c (shown in bold letters below)
static char *
#ifndef WIN32

        struct passwd *pw;

//      if (geteuid() == 0)                     /* 0 is root's uid */
*/*      {*
*                fprintf(stderr,*
*                                _("%s: cannot be run as root\n"*
*                                  "Please log in (using, e.g., \"su\") as
the "*
*                                  "(unprivileged) user that will\n"*
*                                  "own the server process.\n"),*
*                                progname);*
*                exit(1);*
*        }*

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