On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 00:52, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Ya, I've thought that one through ... I think what I'm more looking at is
> some way of 'limiting' persistent connections, where a server opens n
> connections during a spike, which then sit idle indefinitely since it was
> one fo those 'slashdot effect' kinda spikes ...
> Is there any way of the 'master process' *safely/accurately* knowing,
> through the shared memory link, the # of connections currently open to a
> particular database?  So that a limit could be set on a per db basis, say
> as an additional arg to pg_hba.conf?

Well, if you're application is smart enough to know it needs to
dynamically add connections, it should also be smart enough to tear them
down after some idle period.  I agree with Tom.  I think that sounds
like application domain.


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