Robert Haas <> wrote:
> Kevin Grittner <> wrote:

> Can you describe what the standard syntax for the row variables
> is, as opposed to our syntax?  Also, what's the standard syntax
> for the the transition relations?

If you want either (or both), the standard has you using a
REFERENCING clause right before the FOR EACH part of the statement.
You can specify one or more sections in the format:

{ OLD | NEW } [ ROW | TABLE ] [ AS ] name

If you have more than one, they are separated by whitespace.  (No
commas or other visible delimiters.)  If you omit ROW/TABLE it
defaults to ROW.  You are only allowed to specify TABLE on an AFTER
trigger.  You are only allowed to specify ROW on a FOR EACH ROW
trigger.  (There is no prohibition against specifying TABLE on a
FOR EACH ROW trigger.)  You are only allowed to specify OLD for a
DELETE or UPDATE trigger.  (The ability for one trigger definition
to specify multiple operations is a PostgreSQL extension.)  You are
only allowed to specify NEW for an UPDATE or INSERT trigger.  You
may not repeat an entry.

Essentially, we have an implied clause on every FOR EACH ROW
trigger like:


>> Some things which I *did* follow from the standard: these new
>> relations are only allowed within AFTER triggers, but are
>> available in both AFTER STATEMENT and AFTER ROW triggers.  That
>> is, an AFTER UPDATE ... FOR EACH ROW trigger could use both the
>> OLD and NEW row variables as well as the delta relations (under
>> whatever names we pick).  That probably won't be used very
>> often, but I can imagine some cases where it might be useful.  I
>> expect that these will normally be used in FOR EACH STATEMENT
>> triggers.
> I'm concerned about the performance implications of capturing the
> delta relations unconditionally.  If a particular trigger
> actually needs the delta relations, then the time spent capturing
> that information is well spent; but if it doesn't, then it's a
> waste.  There are lots of people using FOR EACH STATEMENT
> triggers right now who won't be happy if those start requiring
> O(n) additional temporary storage, where n is the number of rows
> modified by the statement.  This is likely an even bigger issue
> for per-row triggers, of course, where as you say, it probably
> won't be used often.

That is why I added a reloption which must be specifically enabled
for a table in order to generate these deltas.  That would be an
inconvenience for those wanting to use the new feature, but should
prevent a performance regression for any tables where it is not
specifically turned on.  That's not perfect, of course, because if
you turn it on for an UPDATE ... AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger where
you want it, you do suffer the overhead on every AFTER trigger on
that table.  Perhaps this is sufficient reason to use the standard
syntax for the new delta tables -- the would then be generated only
in the specific cases where they were needed.  And I think I could
lose the reloption.

Kevin Grittner
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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