On 06/23/2014 08:07 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
With 8k block size, that's just enough to cover the full range of
2^32-1 blocks that you'll need if you set mm_pages_per_range=1. Each
regular revmap page can store about 8192/6 = 1365 item pointers,
each array revmap page can store about 8192/4 = 2048 block
references, and the size of the top array is 8192/4. That's just
enough; to store the required number of array pages in the top
array, the array needs to be (2^32/1365)/2048)=1536 elements large.

But with 4k or smaller blocks, it's not enough.

Yeah.  As I said elsewhere, actual useful values are likely to be close
to the read-ahead setting of the underlying disk; by default that'd be
16 pages (128kB), but I think it's common advice to increase the kernel
setting to improve performance.

My gut feeling is that it might well be best to set pages_per_page=1. Even if you do the same amount of I/O, thanks to kernel read-ahead, you might still avoid processing a lot of tuples. But would need to see some benchmarks to know..

I don't think we don't need to prevent
minmax indexes with pages_per_range=1, but I don't think we need to
ensure that that setting works with the largest tables, either, because
it doesn't make any sense to set it up like that.

Also, while there are some recommendations to set up a system with
larger page sizes (32kB), I have never seen any recommendation to set it
lower.  It wouldn't make sense to build a system that has very large
tables and use a smaller page size.

So in other words, yes, you're correct that the mechanism doesn't work
in some cases (small page size and index configured for highest level of
detail), but the conditions are such that I don't think it matters.

ISTM the thing to do here is to do the math at index creation time, and
if we find that we don't have enough space in the metapage for all array
revmap pointers we need, bail out and require the index to be created
with a larger pages_per_range setting.

Yeah, I agree that would be acceptable.

I feel that the below would nevertheless be simpler:

I wonder if it would be simpler to just always store the revmap
pages in the beginning of the index, before any other pages. Finding
the revmap page would then be just as easy as with a separate fork.
When the table/index is extended so that a new revmap page is
needed, move the existing page at that block out of the way. Locking
needs some consideration, but I think it would be feasible and
simpler than you have now.

Moving index items around is not easy, because you'd have to adjust the
revmap to rewrite the item pointers.

Hmm. Two alternative schemes come to mind:

1. Move each index tuple off the page individually, updating the revmap while you do it, until the page is empty. Updating the revmap for a single index tuple isn't difficult; you have to do it anyway when an index tuple is replaced. (MMTuples don't contain a heap block number ATM, but IMHO they should, see below)

2. Store the new block number of the page that you moved out of the way in the revmap page, and leave the revmap pointers unchanged. The revmap pointers can be updated later, lazily.

Both of those seem pretty straightforward.

I have followed the suggestion by Amit to overwrite the index tuple when
a new heap tuple is inserted, instead of creating a separate index
tuple.  This saves a lot of index bloat.  This required a new entry
point in bufpage.c, PageOverwriteItemData().  bufpage.c also has a new
function PageIndexDeleteNoCompact which is similar in spirit to
PageIndexMultiDelete except that item pointers do not change.  This is
necessary because the revmap stores item pointers, and such reference
would break if we were to renumber items in index pages.

ISTM that when the old tuple cannot be updated in-place, the new
index tuple is inserted with mm_doinsert(), but the old tuple is
never deleted.

It's deleted by the next vacuum.

Ah I see. Vacuum reads the whole index, and builds an in-memory hash table that contains an ItemPointerData for every tuple in the index. Doesn't that require a lot of memory, for a large index? That might be acceptable - you ought to have plenty of RAM if you're pushing around multi-terabyte tables - but it would nevertheless be nice to not have a hard requirement for something as essential as vacuum.

In addition to the hash table, remove_deletable_tuples() pallocs an array to hold an ItemPointer for every index tuple about to be removed. A single palloc is limited to 1GB, so that will fail outright if there are more than ~179 million dead index tuples. You're unlikely to hit that in practice, but if you do, you'll never be able to vacuum the index. So that's not very nice.

Wouldn't it be simpler to remove the old tuple atomically with inserting the new tuple and updating the revmap? Or at least mark the old tuple as deletable, so that vacuum can just delete it, without building the large hash table to determine that it's deletable.

As it is, remove_deletable_tuples looks racy:

1. Vacuum begins, and remove_deletable_tuples performs the first pass over the regular, non-revmap index pages, building the hash table of all items in the index.

2. Another process inserts a new row to the heap, which causes a new minmax tuple to be inserted and the revmap to be updated to point to the new tuple.

3. Vacuum proceeds to scan the revmap. It will find the updated revmap entry that points to the new index tuple. The new index tuples is not found in the hash table, so it throws an error: "reverse map references nonexistant (sic) index tuple".

I think to fix that you can just ignore tuples that are not found in the hash table. (Although as I said above I think it would be simpler to not leave behind any dead index tuples in the first place and get rid of the vacuum scans altogether)

Regarding locking, I think it would be good to mention explicitly the order that the pages must be locked if you need to lock multiple pages at the same time, to avoid deadlock. Based on the Locking considerations-section in the README, I believe the order is that you always lock the regular index page first, and then the revmap page. There's no mention of the order of locking two regular or two revmap pages, but I guess you never do that ATM.

I'm quite surprised by the use of LockTuple on the index tuples. I think the main reason for needing that is the fact that MMTuple doesn't store the heap (range) block number that the tuple points to: LockTuple is required to ensure that the tuple doesn't go away while a scan is following a pointer from the revmap to it. If the MMTuple contained the BlockNumber, a scan could check that and go back to the revmap if it doesn't match. Alternatively, you could keep the revmap page locked when you follow a pointer to the regular index page.

The lack of a block number on index tuples also makes my idea of moving tuples out of the way of extending the revmap much more difficult; there's no way to find the revmap entry pointing to an index tuple, short of scanning the whole revmap. And also on general robustness grounds, and for debugging purposes, it would be nice to have the block number there.

- Heikki

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