On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Asif Naeem <anaeem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have spent some time reviewing the code. It applies well and PG master
> branch build fine with setting extraver or keep it undefined.
Thanks for reviewing that.

> I have observed the following output applying the patch i.e.
It seems that extraver information only appears when version function is
> being used. If we use -V (--version)  with pg utilities/binaries, it does
> not include additional provided information.
You are right. The first version of this patch updates PG_VERSION_STR but
not PG_VERSION, which is the string used for all the binaries to report the

>  Can you please guide how can I perform similar functionality via
> configure script (that can be used on Unix like OS/MinGW) or It is intended
> for Window specific requirement ?. Thanks.
Sure, you can do the equivalent with plain configure like that:
./configure --with-extra-version="-foo" --prefix=/to/path/
And here is the output that I get with such options on OSX for example:
$ psql -c 'select substring(version(), 1, 52)'
 PostgreSQL 9.5devel-foo on x86_64-apple-darwin13.2.0
(1 row)
$ initdb --version
initdb (PostgreSQL) 9.5devel-foo

With the new patch attached, the following output is generated for an MSVC
$ psql -c 'select version()'
 PostgreSQL 9.5devel-foo, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit
(1 row)
$ initdb --version
initdb (PostgreSQL) 9.5devel-foo

diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm b/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm
index f7a5abb..d53803e 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/Solution.pm
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ sub GenerateFiles
 		  || confess "Could not write to pg_config.h\n";
 		while (<I>)
-			s{PG_VERSION "[^"]+"}{PG_VERSION "$self->{strver}"};
+			s{PG_VERSION "[^"]+"}{PG_VERSION "$self->{strver}$self->{options}->{extraver}"};
 			s{PG_VERSION_NUM \d+}{PG_VERSION_NUM $self->{numver}};
-s{PG_VERSION_STR "[^"]+"}{__STRINGIFY(x) #x\n#define __STRINGIFY2(z) __STRINGIFY(z)\n#define PG_VERSION_STR "PostgreSQL $self->{strver}, compiled by Visual C++ build " __STRINGIFY2(_MSC_VER) ", $bits-bit"};
+			s{PG_VERSION_STR "[^"]+"}{__STRINGIFY(x) #x\n#define __STRINGIFY2(z) __STRINGIFY(z)\n#define PG_VERSION_STR "PostgreSQL $self->{strver}$self->{options}->{extraver}, compiled by Visual C++ build " __STRINGIFY2(_MSC_VER) ", $bits-bit"};
 			print O;
 		print O "#define PG_MAJORVERSION \"$self->{majorver}\"\n";
@@ -625,14 +625,15 @@ sub GetFakeConfigure
 	$cfg .= ' --enable-nls' if ($self->{options}->{nls});
 	$cfg .= ' --with-ldap'  if ($self->{options}->{ldap});
 	$cfg .= ' --without-zlib' unless ($self->{options}->{zlib});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-openssl'   if ($self->{options}->{ssl});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-ossp-uuid' if ($self->{options}->{uuid});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-libxml'    if ($self->{options}->{xml});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-libxslt'   if ($self->{options}->{xslt});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-gssapi'    if ($self->{options}->{gss});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-tcl'       if ($self->{options}->{tcl});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-perl'      if ($self->{options}->{perl});
-	$cfg .= ' --with-python'    if ($self->{options}->{python});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-extra-version' if ($self->{options}->{extraver});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-openssl'       if ($self->{options}->{ssl});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-ossp-uuid'     if ($self->{options}->{uuid});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-libxml'        if ($self->{options}->{xml});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-libxslt'       if ($self->{options}->{xslt});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-gssapi'        if ($self->{options}->{gss});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-tcl'           if ($self->{options}->{tcl});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-perl'          if ($self->{options}->{perl});
+	$cfg .= ' --with-python'        if ($self->{options}->{python});
 	return $cfg;
diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/config_default.pl b/src/tools/msvc/config_default.pl
index ebb47ab..20aee8b 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/config_default.pl
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/config_default.pl
@@ -10,17 +10,18 @@ our $config = {
 	  # blocksize => 8,         # --with-blocksize, 8kB by default
 	  # wal_blocksize => 8,     # --with-wal-blocksize, 8kB by default
 	  # wal_segsize => 16,      # --with-wal-segsize, 16MB by default
-	ldap    => 1,        # --with-ldap
-	nls     => undef,    # --enable-nls=<path>
-	tcl     => undef,    # --with-tls=<path>
-	perl    => undef,    # --with-perl
-	python  => undef,    # --with-python=<path>
-	openssl => undef,    # --with-ssl=<path>
-	uuid    => undef,    # --with-ossp-uuid
-	xml     => undef,    # --with-libxml=<path>
-	xslt    => undef,    # --with-libxslt=<path>
-	iconv   => undef,    # (not in configure, path to iconv)
-	zlib    => undef     # --with-zlib=<path>
+	ldap     => 1,       # --with-ldap
+	extraver => undef,   # --with-extra-version=<string>
+	nls      => undef,   # --enable-nls=<path>
+	tcl      => undef,   # --with-tls=<path>
+	perl     => undef,   # --with-perl
+	python   => undef,   # --with-python=<path>
+	openssl  => undef,   # --with-ssl=<path>
+	uuid     => undef,   # --with-ossp-uuid
+	xml      => undef,   # --with-libxml=<path>
+	xslt     => undef,   # --with-libxslt=<path>
+	iconv    => undef,   # (not in configure, path to iconv)
+	zlib     => undef    # --with-zlib=<path>
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