On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> I doubt it.  The extra code isn't the problem so much, it's the extra
> planning cycles spent trying to make proofs that will usually fail.
> What you propose will create a combinatorial explosion in the number
> of proof paths to be considered.

Well, not necessarily. You only need to consider constraints on
matching columns and only when there's a join column on those columns.
So you could imagine, for example, sorting all the constraints by the
eclass for the non-const side of their expression, then going through
them linearly to see where you have multiple constraints on the same

For what it's worth I think there is a case where this is a common
optimization. When you have multiple tables partitioned the same way.
Then you ideally want to be able to turn that from an join of multiple
appends into an append of multiple joins. This is even more important
when it comes to a parallelizing executor since it lets you do the
joins in parallel.

However to get from here to there I guess you would need to turn the
join of the appends into NxM joins of every pair of subscans and then
figure out which ones to exclude. That would be pretty nuts. To do it
reasonably we probably need the partitioning infrastructure we've been
talking about where Postgres would know what the partitioning key is
and the order and range of the partitions so it can directly generate
the matching subjoins in less than n^2 time.


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