On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> writes:
>> On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> ! pdfTeX error (ext4): \pdfendlink ended up in different nesting level than 
>>> \pd
>> Additional point of info - the -US pdf's do build on this version,
>> just not the -A4.
>> And with even more of those entries about overfull hbox, so clearly
>> that was not the actual breakage.
> Yeah.  What this actually is is the symptom of <link> text crossing a page
> boundary.  The patch you made did not fix the problem (because there's no
> hyperlink anywhere in that para); you just moved the problematic line
> pair, which must be somewhere below here, up or down so it didn't fall
> across a page break.

Right - it fixed the symptoms only. (And now that you mention it I do
remember the thing about <link>).

> A more robust fix would be to identify the para where the problem actually
> is and re-word it so that the link doesn't cross a *line* boundary (in
> either US or A4).  That makes it safe as long as that particular para
> doesn't get reworded in future; whereas with what you did, addition or
> subtraction of a line anywhere in a pretty broad range could resurrect
> the issue.

Hmm. Good point. OTOH it only showed up in the backbranch (and only in
one of them), so I figured we might get away with it.

Have you figured out any way to actually track down which para has the
problem itself, or is it all manual work?

> Of course, it would be a lot better if the toolchain didn't have this
> limitation (or at least managed to report it more usefully).  I'm not
> holding my breath for that to happen though.

Yeah, they would probably have done it years ago if they were going to at all...

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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