There's a nice simple book from 1999 by Stonebreaker and a technologist form Informix about object-relational features. PostgreSQL has definately started to lag on that front, while shoring up other aspects of the RDBMS. A simple (simple?) start might just be supporting dot notation and other syntactical niceties around the table-as-column concept.

We have recently had an opportunity to evaluate the object relational capabilities of Oracle9i, and sad to say, they have finally surpassed PgSQL on the OO front in this release. Very easy composite type creation on the command line, composite types are easily indexable based on their attributes (a custom type which wraps a spatial type can be indexed spatially, etc), function adding is easy too. Now, adding completely new types in C might be hell, but we haven't checked that yet :)


Karel Zak wrote:
I read a presentation about Object-Oriented features in relation DBs.
The nice are UDT (user defined type):

name varchar(32),
address ROW( street varchar(32),
town varchar(32)),
age int

INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Bill', ('Somestreet', 'Sometown'), 33);

SELECT name, FROM person;

We have composite types in PostgreSQL and I think we can use it for this:

CREATE TYPE addr AS (street varchar(32), town varchar(32));
name varchar(32),
address addr,
age int

Comments? I nothinig found about OO in the current TODO. BTW, my
examples are only small part of possible OO features, the others
ideas are for example define PRIVATE/PUBLIC attributes in composite
types and methods, "SELECT FROM person p WHERE>tax() > 100;"

     | Paul Ramsey
     | Refractions Research
     | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     | Phone: (250) 885-0632

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