2014-07-31 8:26 GMT+02:00 Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com>:

> On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 7:00 PM, desmodemone <desmodem...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >             I think it's very useful an incremental/differential backup
> method, by the way
> > the method has two drawbacks:
> > 1)  In a database normally, even if the percent of modify rows is small
> compared to total rows, the probability to change only some files /tables
> is small, because the rows are normally not ordered inside a tables and the
> update are "random". If some tables are static, probably they are lookup
> tables or something like a registry, and  normally these  tables are small .
> > 2)  every time a file changed require every time to read all file. So if
> the point A is true, probably you are reading a large part of the databases
> and then send that part , instead of sending a small part.
> >
> > In my opinion to solve these problems we need a different implementation
> of incremental backup.
> > I will try to show my idea about it.
> >
> > I think we need a bitmap map in memory to track the changed "chunks" of
> the file/s/table [ for "chunk" I mean an X number of tracked pages , to
> divide the every  tracked files in "chunks" ], so we could send only the
> changed blocks  from last incremental backup ( that could be a full for
> incremental backup ).The map could have one submaps for every tracked
> files, so it's more simple.
> >
> > So ,if we track with one bit a chunk of 8 page blocks ( 64KB) [ a chunk
> of 8 block is only an example]  , If  we use one map of 1Mbit ( 1Mbit are
>  125KB of memory ) we could track a table with a total size of 64Gb,
> probably we could use a compression algorithm because the map is done by
> 1 and 0 . This is a very simple idea, but it shows that the map  does not
> need too much memory if we track groups of blocks i.e. "chunk", obviously
> the problem is more complex, and probably there are better and more robust
> solutions.
> > Probably we need  more space for the header of map to track the
> informations about file and the last backup and so on.
> >
> > I think the map must be updated by the bgwriter , i.e. when it flushes
> the dirty buffers,
> Not only bgwriter, but checkpointer and backends as well, as
> those also flush buffers.  Also there are some writes which are
> done outside shared buffers, you need to track those separately.
> Another point is that to track the changes due to hint bit modification,
> you need to enable checksums or wal_log_hints which will either
> lead to more cpu or I/O.
> > fortunately  we don't  need this map for consistence of database, so we
> could create and manage it in memory to limit the impact on performance.
> > The drawback is that If the db crashes or someone closes it , the next
> incremental backup will be full , we could think to flush the map to disk
> if the PostgreSQL will receive a signal of closing process or something
> similar.
> >
> >
> >
> > In this way we obtain :
> > 1) we read only small part of a database ( the probability of a changed
> chunk are less the the changed of the whole file )
> > 2) we do not need to calculate the checksum, saving cpu
> > 3) we save i/o in reading and writing ( we will send only the changed
> block from last incremental backup )
> > 4) we save network
> > 5) we save time during backup. if we read and write less data, we reduce
> the time to do an incremental backup.
> > 6) I think the bitmap map in memory will not impact too much on the
> performance of the bgwriter.
> >
> > What do you think about?
> I think with this method has 3 drawbacks compare to method
> proposed
> a.  either enable checksum or wal_log_hints, so it will incur extra
>      I/O if you enable wal_log_hints
> b.  backends also need to update the map which though a small
>      cost, but still ...
> c.  map is not crash safe, due to which sometimes full back up
>      is needed.
> With Regards,
> Amit Kapila.
> EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Hi Amit, thank you for your comments .
However , about drawbacks:
a) It's not clear to me why the method needs checksum enable, I mean, if
the bgwriter or another process flushes a dirty buffer, it's only have to
signal in the map that the blocks are changed with an update of the value
from 0 to 1.They not need to verify the checksum of the block, we could
assume that when a dirty buffers is flushed, the block is changed [ or
better in my idea, the chunk of N blocks ].
We could think an advanced setting that verify the checksum, but I think
will be heavier.
b) yes the backends need to update the map, but it's in memory, and as I
show, could be very small if we you chunk of blocks.If we not compress the
map, I not think could be a bottleneck.
c) the map is not crash safe by design, because it needs only for
incremental backup to track what blocks needs to be backuped, not for
consistency or recovery of the whole cluster, so it's not an heavy cost for
the whole cluster to maintain it. we could think an option (but it's heavy)
to write it at every flush  on file to have crash-safe map, but I not think
it's so usefull . I think it's acceptable, and probably it's better to
force that, to say: "if your db will crash, you need a fullbackup ", and
probably it's better to do it, almost the dba will verify if something go
wrong during the crash, no?corrupted block or something else.

Kind Regards


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