2014-08-05 22:08 GMT+08:00 土卜皿 <pengcz.n...@gmail.com>:

> hi, all
>   I already can debug general postgres using "ddd" and "select
> pg_backend_pid();" ,  now, I want to study the details of the system
> catalog cache and system cache management, so I need to debug the function
> InitPostgres() and InitCatalogCache(), and I tried the following steps:
> [refer: How to debug postgresql during initdb ]
> <http://www.phacai.com/how-to-debug-postgresql-during-initdb>
> (1) in first terminal:
> ddd initdb
> and set a breakpoint on the next executable line after “PG_CMD_OPEN” in
> function bootstrap_template1() ,
> Then within gdb, use “r $myfolder/mydb”,
> and found the cursor stop at the breakpoint
> (2) in the second terminal:
> ps aux | grep "bin\/postgres"
> after get the posgtres server pid, start a new ddd without args, and
> within gdb, using "attach postgres.pid"
> and set a breakpoint as InitCatalogCache()
> (3) back to the first ddd window, hit the "cont" button. I hope it can
> stop at the second ddd's breakpoint, but nothing happened?
> I must make mistake in some step, or my understanding is fully wrong,
> please give me some advice, thanks a lot

  I am sorry that this is a simple question.  I found that the above steps
make the posgres reach     boot_yyparse() of BootstrapModeMain(void), which
means postgres has already finished the initialization including
InitCatalogCache(), and it was waiting query command or other user command .

  For debug initialization including system catalog cache, I add some code

 bool forDebug = true;

    while (forDebug){
      forDebug = true;

in the InitPosgres()'s starting position.


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