We have a similar requirement for PostGIS.
In order to meet the OpenGIS specification, we have to maintain a GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table which includes an entry for every column in the db which holds a spatial column. It would be ideal if we could have triggers run on CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, and ALTER TABLE to watch for the comings and goings of spatial columns and update GEOMETRY_COLUMNS appropriately.
Unfortunately, triggers seem to not be allowed on system tables, or we would just watch pg_class for new geometry columns and update the OpenGIS table as necessary. :/

Bruce Momjian wrote:
Sorry, I can't think of any to have a view created automatically for
every table creation.  Interesting idea, though.  I wonder if you could
pass the CREATE string into a function that does the proper creation.


Bruce David wrote:


I'm trying to implement row level security using PostgreSQL.  I envision
having column on each and every table in the database that will contain a
discriminating value that determines if a given user is able to see that row
or not.  Users do not directly access the database; they get at it only
through client applications.

Is there a way to initially configure PostgreSQL such that each and every
time a 'create table foo....' command is executed that, something else would
happen instead?

For example,

CREATE TABLE weather (
   city        varchar(80),
   lo        int,
   hi        int,
   prcp    real,
   date    date

would result in the following being executed automatically:

CREATE TABLE t_weather (
   city        varchar(80),
   lo        int,
   hi        int,
   prcp    real,
   date    date,
   hidden_column    int

   SELECT city, lo, hi, prcp, date
   FROM t_weather;

How the view gets populated is another discussion entirely.

But is there a way to set things up initially such that each 'create table'
command will exhibit the behavior described above?




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