On 08/28/2014 01:51 AM, rohtodeveloper wrote:

I have a question about data type "timestamp with time zone".
Why data of timestamptz does not store value of timezone passed to it?

Considering the following example.

postgres=# select '2014-08-28 14:30:30.423602+02'::timestamp with time zone;
 2014-08-28 20:30:30.423602+08
(1 row)

The timezone of output(+08) is different with the original input value(+02). It seems not to be good behavior.But the behavior of date type "time with time zone" is correct.

postgres=# select '14:30:30.423602+02'::time with time zone;
(1 row)

If the corrent behavior of timestamptz is not suitable,is there any plan to correct the behavior of timestamptz or create a new data type which can store timestamp with timezone?

*)manual--> Time Stamps
For timestamp with time zone, the internally stored value is always in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, traditionally known as Greenwich Mean Time, GMT). An input value that has an explicit time zone specified is converted to UTC using the appropriate offset for that time zone. If no time zone is stated in the input string, then it is assumed to be in the time zone indicated by the system's TimeZone parameter, and is converted to UTC using the offset for the timezone zone.

This is actually more appropriate for the "General" mailing list. But...

I have always considered "timestamp with time zone" to be a bad description of that data type but it appears to be a carryover from the specs. It is really a "point in time" with "2014-08-28 14:30:30.423602+02" and "2014-08-28 20:30:30.423602+08" merely being different representations of that same point in time. "Time with time zone" is a similarly bad name as it is really a "time with offset from GMT."

It should be noted that -08, +02 etc. are actually *offsets* from GMT and are not, technically, time-zones. A time-zone includes additional information about the dates on which that offset changes due to daylight saving schedules and politically imposed changes thereto.

As the manual states, "The type time with time zone is defined by the SQL standard, but the definition exhibits properties which lead to questionable usefulness." From the above, you can infer that one of those issues is that the offset changes based on the date but there is no date in a time with time zone field. Among the things you will discover is that '12:34:56-04' is legal input for time with time zone but '12:34:56 America/New_York' is not because you can't determine the offset without a date. Adding a date like '2014-08-28 12:34:56 America/New_York' will give you a time with offset or what the spec calls "time with time zone" (12:45:31.899075-04) though it really doesn't have any information about America/New_York.

That the internal representation is in GMT is a curiosity but ultimately irrelevant as is it up to PostgreSQL to appropriately convert/display whatever it stores internally to the input and output format specified by the user.

The varying values of things like day, month and year combined with constantly shifting definitions of time-zones make date and time handling, *um* "interesting." Is the interval 1-day shorthand for 24-hours or the same time of day the following day (i.e. when crossing DST boundaries). What is the appropriate value of March 31 minus one month? February 29 plus one year?

Read and experiment to understand the quirks and the design-decisions implemented in PostgreSQL (or other program).


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