On 02/09/14 21:25, Álvaro Hernández Tortosa wrote:

On 02/09/14 05:24, Craig Ringer wrote:
I couldn't disagree more.

If we were to implement anything, it'd be PL/PSM
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL/PSM). I'm sure it's as bizarre and
quirky as anything else the SQL committee has brought forth, but it's at
least a standard(ish) language.
     So we'd choose a bizarre and quirky language instead of anything
better just because it's standard. I'm sure current and prospective
users will surely prefer a bizarre and quirky language that is standard
approved, rather than a modern, comfortable, easy-to-use, that is not
embodied by the ISO. No doubt ^_^

Well there is the risk that by randomly adding new syntax to PL/pgSQL we turn it in a bizarre and quirky *non standard* language. Part of the attraction of PL/pgsql is that it is Ada like - if we break that too much then...well...that would be bad. So I think a careful balance is needed, to add new features that keep the spirit of the original language.



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