On 09/04/2014 12:17 AM, Marko Tiikkaja wrote:
> On 2014-09-03 23:19, Hannu Krosing wrote:
>> 1. Conditions for number of rows returned by SELECT or touched by UPDATE
>> or DELETE
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Enforcing number of rows returned/affected could be done using the
>> following syntax which is concise and clear (and should be in no way
>> backwards incompatible)
>> SELECT[1]   - select exactly one row, anything else raises error
>> SELECT[0:1]   - select zero or one rows, anything else raises error
>> SELECT[1:] - select one or more rows
>> plain SELECT is equivalent to SELECT[0:]
>> same syntax could be used for enforcing sane affected row counts
>> for INSERT and DELETE
> I'm not sure how much I like that syntax in cases like:
>   WITH t AS (
>     -- multi-line query here
>   )
>   SELECT[0:] foo, bar
>   INTO _bat, _man
>   FROM foo
>   JOIN ..
>   JOIN ..
>   WHERE ..
>   -- etc.
> It seems quite well hidden compared to a single keyword at the
> beginning of the query.
What do you have in mind ?

Is your wiki page already available somewhere ?
> It's also not clear whether all of this flexibility is required.
> Enforcing "exactly one" conveniently is my main priority.
What do you want here on top of SELECT ... INTO STRICT ... ?
> Supporting the "at most one" case could be nice, too, but anything
> else feels like overkill.  Though if the syntax is based on numbers
> (and not a keyword), then I guess we get the flexibility for free anyway.
> I also have my doubts about how easy it would be to implement this
> syntax given that we're using the "real" SQL parser.
Definitely not trivial, but at least doable :)

Finding and processing SELECT[...] could probably even be done with
a (regex-based ?) pre-parser .

Hannu Krosing
PostgreSQL Consultant
Performance, Scalability and High Availability
2ndQuadrant Nordic OÜ

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