On Mon, September 8, 2014 18:02, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Here's version 18.  I have renamed it: These are now BRIN indexes.

I get into a BadArgument after:

$ cat crash.sql

-- drop table if exists t_100_000_000 cascade;
   create table         t_100_000_000 as select cast(i as integer) from 
generate_series(1, 100000000) as f(i) ;

-- drop index if exists t_100_000_000_i_brin_idx;
   create index         t_100_000_000_i_brin_idx on t_100_000_000 using 
brin(i); select

select i from t_100_000_000 where i between 10000 and 1009999; -- ( + 999999 )

Log file says:

TRAP: BadArgument("!(((context) != ((void *)0) && (((((const 
Node*)((context)))->type) == T_AllocSetContext))))", File:
"mcxt.c", Line: 752)
2014-09-08 19:54:46.071 CEST 30151 LOG:  server process (PID 30336) was 
terminated by signal 6: Aborted
2014-09-08 19:54:46.071 CEST 30151 DETAIL:  Failed process was running: select 
i from t_100_000_000 where i between 10000
and 1009999;

The crash is caused by the last select statement; the table and index create 
are OK.

it only happens with a largish table; small tables are OK.

Linux / Centos / 32 GB.

 PostgreSQL 9.5devel_minmax_20140908_1809_0640c1bfc091 on 
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.9.1, 64-bit

         setting          |              current_setting
 autovacuum               | off
 port                     | 6444
 shared_buffers           | 100MB
 effective_cache_size     | 4GB
 work_mem                 | 10MB
 maintenance_work_mem     | 1GB
 checkpoint_segments      | 20
 data_checksums           | on
 server_version           | 9.5devel_minmax_20140908_1809_0640c1bfc091
 pg_postmaster_start_time | 2014-09-08 19:53 (uptime: 0d 0h 6m 54s)

'--enable-depend' '--enable-cassert' '--enable-debug'
'--with-perl' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' 



Erik Rijkers

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