On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 7:14 AM, David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's a quick demo, of the patch at work:
> test=# create table c (id int primary key);
> test=# create table b (id int primary key, c_id int not null references
> c(id));
> test=# create table a (id int primary key, b_id int not null references
> b(id));
> test=#
> test=# explain select a.* from a inner join b on a.b_id = b.id inner join c
> on b.c_id = c.id;
>                      QUERY PLAN
> -----------------------------------------------------
>  Seq Scan on a  (cost=0.00..31.40 rows=2140 width=8)
>  Planning time: 1.061 ms
> (2 rows)

That is just awesome.  You are my new hero.

> 1. I don't think that I'm currently handling removing eclass members
> properly. So far the code just removes the Vars that belong to the relation
> being removed. I likely should also be doing bms_del_member(ec->ec_relids,
> relid); on the eclass, but perhaps I should just be marking the whole class
> as "ec_broken = true" and adding another eclass all everything that the
> broken one has minus the parts from the removed relation?

I haven't read the patch, but I think the question is why this needs
to be different than what we do for left join removal.

> Assume there's a foreign key a (x) reference b(x)
> SELECT a.* FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.x = b.x WHERE b.x = 1
> relation b should be removable because an eclass will contain {a.x, b.x} and
> therefore s baserestrictinfo for a.x = 1 should also exist on relation a.
> Therefore removing relation b should produce equivalent results, i.e
> everything that gets filtered out on relation b will also be filtered out on
> relation a anyway.
> I think the patch without this is still worth it, but if someone feels
> strongly about it I'll take a bash at supporting it.

That'd be nice to fix, but IMHO not essential.

> 3. Currently the inner join support does not allow removals using foreign
> keys which contain duplicate columns on the referencing side. e.g (a,a)
> references (x,y), this is basically because of the point I made in item 2.
> In this case a baserestrictinfo would exist on the referenced relation to
> say WHERE x = y.

I think it's fine to not bother with this case.  Who cares?

> 4. The patch currently only allows removals for eclass join types. If the
> rel has any joininfo items, then the join removal is disallowed. From what I
> can see equality type inner join conditions get described in eclasses, and
> only non-equality join conditions make it into the joininfo list, and since
> foreign keys only support equality operators, then I thought this was a
> valid restriction, however, if someone can show me a flaw in my assumption
> then I may need to improve this.

Seems OK.

> 5. I've added a flag to pg_class called relhasfkey. Currently this gets set
> to true when a foreign key is added, though I've added nothing to set it
> back to false again. I notice that relhasindex gets set back to false during
> vacuum, if vacuum happens to find there to not be any indexes on the rel. I
> didn't put my logic here as I wasn't too sure if scanning pg_constraint
> during a vacuum seemed very correct, so I just left out the "setting it to
> false" logic based on the the fact that I noticed that relhaspkey gets away
> with quite lazy setting back to false logic (only when there's no indexes of
> any kind left on the relation at all).

The alternative to resetting the flag somehow is not having it in the
first place.  Would that be terribly expensive?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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