>>>>> "Heikki" == Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnakan...@vmware.com> writes:

 Heikki> There's been a lot of discussion and I haven't followed it in
 Heikki> detail. Andrew, there were some open questions, but have you
 Heikki> gotten enough feedback so that you know what to do next?

I was holding off on posting a recut patch with the latest EXPLAIN
formatting changes (which are basically cosmetic) until it became
clear whether RLS was likely to be reverted or kept (we have a tiny
but irritating conflict with it, in the regression test schedule file
where we both add to the same list of tests).

Other than that there is nothing for Atri and me to do next but wait
on a proper review. The feedback and discussion has been almost all
about cosmetic details; the only actual issues found have been a
trivial omission from pg_stat_statements, and a slightly suboptimal
planning of sort steps, both long since fixed.

What we have not had:

 - anything more than a superficial review

 - any feedback over the acceptability of our chained-sorts approach
   for doing aggregations with differing sort orders

 - any decision about the question of reserved words and/or possibly
   renaming contrib/cube (and what new name to use if so)

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

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