I wrote:
> The "offsets-and-lengths" patch seems like the approach we ought to
> compare to my patch, but it looks pretty unfinished to me: AFAICS it
> includes logic to understand offsets sprinkled into a mostly-lengths
> array, but no logic that would actually *store* any such offsets,
> which means it's going to act just like my patch for performance
> purposes.

> In the interests of pushing this forward, I will work today on
> trying to finish and review Heikki's offsets-and-lengths patch
> so that we have something we can do performance testing on.
> I doubt that the performance testing will tell us anything we
> don't expect, but we should do it anyway.

I've now done that, and attached is what I think would be a committable
version.  Having done this work, I no longer think that this approach
is significantly messier code-wise than the all-lengths version, and
it does have the merit of not degrading on very large objects/arrays.
So at the moment I'm leaning to this solution not the all-lengths one.

To get a sense of the compression effects of varying the stride distance,
I repeated the compression measurements I'd done on 14 August with Pavel's
geometry data (<24077.1408052...@sss.pgh.pa.us>).  The upshot of that was

                                        min     max     avg

external text representation            220     172685  880.3
JSON representation (compressed text)   224     78565   541.3
pg_column_size, JSONB HEAD repr.        225     82540   639.0
pg_column_size, all-lengths repr.       225     66794   531.1

Here's what I get with this patch and different stride distances:

JB_OFFSET_STRIDE = 8                    225     68551   559.7
JB_OFFSET_STRIDE = 16                   225     67601   552.3
JB_OFFSET_STRIDE = 32                   225     67120   547.4
JB_OFFSET_STRIDE = 64                   225     66886   546.9
JB_OFFSET_STRIDE = 128                  225     66879   546.9
JB_OFFSET_STRIDE = 256                  225     66846   546.8

So at least for that test data, 32 seems like the sweet spot.
We are giving up a couple percent of space in comparison to the
all-lengths version, but this is probably an acceptable tradeoff
for not degrading on very large arrays.

I've not done any speed testing.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb.c
index 2fd87fc..9beebb3 100644
*** a/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb.c
*************** jsonb_from_cstring(char *json, int len)
*** 196,207 ****
  static size_t
  checkStringLen(size_t len)
! 	if (len > JENTRY_POSMASK)
  				 errmsg("string too long to represent as jsonb string"),
  				 errdetail("Due to an implementation restriction, jsonb strings cannot exceed %d bytes.",
! 						   JENTRY_POSMASK)));
  	return len;
--- 196,207 ----
  static size_t
  checkStringLen(size_t len)
  				 errmsg("string too long to represent as jsonb string"),
  				 errdetail("Due to an implementation restriction, jsonb strings cannot exceed %d bytes.",
! 						   JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)));
  	return len;
diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb_util.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb_util.c
index 04f35bf..f157df3 100644
*** a/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb_util.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/adt/jsonb_util.c
*** 26,40 ****
   * in MaxAllocSize, and the number of elements (or pairs) must fit in the bits
   * reserved for that in the JsonbContainer.header field.
!  * (the total size of an array's elements is also limited by JENTRY_POSMASK,
!  * but we're not concerned about that here)
  #define JSONB_MAX_ELEMS (Min(MaxAllocSize / sizeof(JsonbValue), JB_CMASK))
  #define JSONB_MAX_PAIRS (Min(MaxAllocSize / sizeof(JsonbPair), JB_CMASK))
! static void fillJsonbValue(JEntry *array, int index, char *base_addr,
  			   JsonbValue *result);
! static bool	equalsJsonbScalarValue(JsonbValue *a, JsonbValue *b);
  static int	compareJsonbScalarValue(JsonbValue *a, JsonbValue *b);
  static Jsonb *convertToJsonb(JsonbValue *val);
  static void convertJsonbValue(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *header, JsonbValue *val, int level);
--- 26,41 ----
   * in MaxAllocSize, and the number of elements (or pairs) must fit in the bits
   * reserved for that in the JsonbContainer.header field.
!  * (The total size of an array's or object's elements is also limited by
!  * JENTRY_OFFLENMASK, but we're not concerned about that here.)
  #define JSONB_MAX_ELEMS (Min(MaxAllocSize / sizeof(JsonbValue), JB_CMASK))
  #define JSONB_MAX_PAIRS (Min(MaxAllocSize / sizeof(JsonbPair), JB_CMASK))
! static void fillJsonbValue(JsonbContainer *container, int index,
! 			   char *base_addr, uint32 offset,
  			   JsonbValue *result);
! static bool equalsJsonbScalarValue(JsonbValue *a, JsonbValue *b);
  static int	compareJsonbScalarValue(JsonbValue *a, JsonbValue *b);
  static Jsonb *convertToJsonb(JsonbValue *val);
  static void convertJsonbValue(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *header, JsonbValue *val, int level);
*************** static void convertJsonbArray(StringInfo
*** 42,48 ****
  static void convertJsonbObject(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *header, JsonbValue *val, int level);
  static void convertJsonbScalar(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *header, JsonbValue *scalarVal);
! static int reserveFromBuffer(StringInfo buffer, int len);
  static void appendToBuffer(StringInfo buffer, const char *data, int len);
  static void copyToBuffer(StringInfo buffer, int offset, const char *data, int len);
  static short padBufferToInt(StringInfo buffer);
--- 43,49 ----
  static void convertJsonbObject(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *header, JsonbValue *val, int level);
  static void convertJsonbScalar(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *header, JsonbValue *scalarVal);
! static int	reserveFromBuffer(StringInfo buffer, int len);
  static void appendToBuffer(StringInfo buffer, const char *data, int len);
  static void copyToBuffer(StringInfo buffer, int offset, const char *data, int len);
  static short padBufferToInt(StringInfo buffer);
*************** JsonbValueToJsonb(JsonbValue *val)
*** 108,113 ****
--- 109,166 ----
+  * Get the offset of the variable-length portion of a Jsonb node within
+  * the variable-length-data part of its container.  The node is identified
+  * by index within the container's JEntry array.
+  */
+ uint32
+ getJsonbOffset(const JsonbContainer *jc, int index)
+ {
+ 	uint32		offset = 0;
+ 	int			i;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Start offset of this entry is equal to the end offset of the previous
+ 	 * entry.  Walk backwards to the most recent entry stored as an end
+ 	 * offset, returning that offset plus any lengths in between.
+ 	 */
+ 	for (i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ 	{
+ 		offset += JBE_OFFLENFLD(jc->children[i]);
+ 		if (JBE_HAS_OFF(jc->children[i]))
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	return offset;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Get the length of the variable-length portion of a Jsonb node.
+  * The node is identified by index within the container's JEntry array.
+  */
+ uint32
+ getJsonbLength(const JsonbContainer *jc, int index)
+ {
+ 	uint32		off;
+ 	uint32		len;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * If the length is stored directly in the JEntry, just return it.
+ 	 * Otherwise, get the begin offset of the entry, and subtract that from
+ 	 * the stored end+1 offset.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (JBE_HAS_OFF(jc->children[index]))
+ 	{
+ 		off = getJsonbOffset(jc, index);
+ 		len = JBE_OFFLENFLD(jc->children[index]) - off;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		len = JBE_OFFLENFLD(jc->children[index]);
+ 	return len;
+ }
+ /*
   * BT comparator worker function.  Returns an integer less than, equal to, or
   * greater than zero, indicating whether a is less than, equal to, or greater
   * than b.  Consistent with the requirements for a B-Tree operator class
*************** compareJsonbContainers(JsonbContainer *a
*** 201,207 ****
  			 * If the two values were of the same container type, then there'd
  			 * have been a chance to observe the variation in the number of
! 			 * elements/pairs (when processing WJB_BEGIN_OBJECT, say).  They're
  			 * either two heterogeneously-typed containers, or a container and
  			 * some scalar type.
--- 254,260 ----
  			 * If the two values were of the same container type, then there'd
  			 * have been a chance to observe the variation in the number of
! 			 * elements/pairs (when processing WJB_BEGIN_OBJECT, say). They're
  			 * either two heterogeneously-typed containers, or a container and
  			 * some scalar type.
*************** findJsonbValueFromContainer(JsonbContain
*** 272,295 ****
  	JEntry	   *children = container->children;
  	int			count = (container->header & JB_CMASK);
! 	JsonbValue *result = palloc(sizeof(JsonbValue));
  	Assert((flags & ~(JB_FARRAY | JB_FOBJECT)) == 0);
  	if (flags & JB_FARRAY & container->header)
  		char	   *base_addr = (char *) (children + count);
  		int			i;
  		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
! 			fillJsonbValue(children, i, base_addr, result);
  			if (key->type == result->type)
  				if (equalsJsonbScalarValue(key, result))
  					return result;
  	else if (flags & JB_FOBJECT & container->header)
--- 325,357 ----
  	JEntry	   *children = container->children;
  	int			count = (container->header & JB_CMASK);
! 	JsonbValue *result;
  	Assert((flags & ~(JB_FARRAY | JB_FOBJECT)) == 0);
+ 	/* Quick out without a palloc cycle if object/array is empty */
+ 	if (count <= 0)
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	result = palloc(sizeof(JsonbValue));
  	if (flags & JB_FARRAY & container->header)
  		char	   *base_addr = (char *) (children + count);
+ 		uint32		offset = 0;
  		int			i;
  		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
! 			fillJsonbValue(container, i, base_addr, offset, result);
  			if (key->type == result->type)
  				if (equalsJsonbScalarValue(key, result))
  					return result;
+ 			JBE_ADVANCE_OFFSET(offset, children[i]);
  	else if (flags & JB_FOBJECT & container->header)
*************** findJsonbValueFromContainer(JsonbContain
*** 297,332 ****
  		/* Since this is an object, account for *Pairs* of Jentrys */
  		char	   *base_addr = (char *) (children + count * 2);
  		uint32		stopLow = 0,
! 					stopMiddle;
! 		/* Object key past by caller must be a string */
  		Assert(key->type == jbvString);
  		/* Binary search on object/pair keys *only* */
! 		while (stopLow < count)
! 			int			index;
  			int			difference;
  			JsonbValue	candidate;
! 			/*
! 			 * Note how we compensate for the fact that we're iterating
! 			 * through pairs (not entries) throughout.
! 			 */
! 			stopMiddle = stopLow + (count - stopLow) / 2;
! 			index = stopMiddle * 2;
  			candidate.type = jbvString;
! 			candidate.val.string.val = base_addr + JBE_OFF(children, index);
! 			candidate.val.string.len = JBE_LEN(children, index);
  			difference = lengthCompareJsonbStringValue(&candidate, key);
  			if (difference == 0)
! 				/* Found our key, return value */
! 				fillJsonbValue(children, index + 1, base_addr, result);
  				return result;
--- 359,393 ----
  		/* Since this is an object, account for *Pairs* of Jentrys */
  		char	   *base_addr = (char *) (children + count * 2);
  		uint32		stopLow = 0,
! 					stopHigh = count;
! 		/* Object key passed by caller must be a string */
  		Assert(key->type == jbvString);
  		/* Binary search on object/pair keys *only* */
! 		while (stopLow < stopHigh)
! 			uint32		stopMiddle;
  			int			difference;
  			JsonbValue	candidate;
! 			stopMiddle = stopLow + (stopHigh - stopLow) / 2;
  			candidate.type = jbvString;
! 			candidate.val.string.val =
! 				base_addr + getJsonbOffset(container, stopMiddle);
! 			candidate.val.string.len = getJsonbLength(container, stopMiddle);
  			difference = lengthCompareJsonbStringValue(&candidate, key);
  			if (difference == 0)
! 				/* Found our key, return corresponding value */
! 				int			index = stopMiddle + count;
! 				fillJsonbValue(container, index, base_addr,
! 							   getJsonbOffset(container, index),
! 							   result);
  				return result;
*************** findJsonbValueFromContainer(JsonbContain
*** 335,341 ****
  				if (difference < 0)
  					stopLow = stopMiddle + 1;
! 					count = stopMiddle;
--- 396,402 ----
  				if (difference < 0)
  					stopLow = stopMiddle + 1;
! 					stopHigh = stopMiddle;
*************** getIthJsonbValueFromContainer(JsonbConta
*** 368,374 ****
  	result = palloc(sizeof(JsonbValue));
! 	fillJsonbValue(container->children, i, base_addr, result);
  	return result;
--- 429,437 ----
  	result = palloc(sizeof(JsonbValue));
! 	fillJsonbValue(container, i, base_addr,
! 				   getJsonbOffset(container, i),
! 				   result);
  	return result;
*************** getIthJsonbValueFromContainer(JsonbConta
*** 377,389 ****
   * A helper function to fill in a JsonbValue to represent an element of an
   * array, or a key or value of an object.
   * A nested array or object will be returned as jbvBinary, ie. it won't be
   * expanded.
  static void
! fillJsonbValue(JEntry *children, int index, char *base_addr, JsonbValue *result)
! 	JEntry		entry = children[index];
  	if (JBE_ISNULL(entry))
--- 440,459 ----
   * A helper function to fill in a JsonbValue to represent an element of an
   * array, or a key or value of an object.
+  * The node's JEntry is at container->children[index], and its variable-length
+  * data is at base_addr + offset.  We make the caller determine the offset
+  * since in many cases the caller can amortize that work across multiple
+  * children.  When it can't, it can just call getJsonbOffset().
+  *
   * A nested array or object will be returned as jbvBinary, ie. it won't be
   * expanded.
  static void
! fillJsonbValue(JsonbContainer *container, int index,
! 			   char *base_addr, uint32 offset,
! 			   JsonbValue *result)
! 	JEntry		entry = container->children[index];
  	if (JBE_ISNULL(entry))
*************** fillJsonbValue(JEntry *children, int ind
*** 392,405 ****
  	else if (JBE_ISSTRING(entry))
  		result->type = jbvString;
! 		result->val.string.val = base_addr + JBE_OFF(children, index);
! 		result->val.string.len = JBE_LEN(children, index);
  		Assert(result->val.string.len >= 0);
  	else if (JBE_ISNUMERIC(entry))
  		result->type = jbvNumeric;
! 		result->val.numeric = (Numeric) (base_addr + INTALIGN(JBE_OFF(children, index)));
  	else if (JBE_ISBOOL_TRUE(entry))
--- 462,475 ----
  	else if (JBE_ISSTRING(entry))
  		result->type = jbvString;
! 		result->val.string.val = base_addr + offset;
! 		result->val.string.len = getJsonbLength(container, index);
  		Assert(result->val.string.len >= 0);
  	else if (JBE_ISNUMERIC(entry))
  		result->type = jbvNumeric;
! 		result->val.numeric = (Numeric) (base_addr + INTALIGN(offset));
  	else if (JBE_ISBOOL_TRUE(entry))
*************** fillJsonbValue(JEntry *children, int ind
*** 415,422 ****
  		result->type = jbvBinary;
! 		result->val.binary.data = (JsonbContainer *) (base_addr + INTALIGN(JBE_OFF(children, index)));
! 		result->val.binary.len = JBE_LEN(children, index) - (INTALIGN(JBE_OFF(children, index)) - JBE_OFF(children, index));
--- 485,494 ----
  		result->type = jbvBinary;
! 		/* Remove alignment padding from data pointer and length */
! 		result->val.binary.data = (JsonbContainer *) (base_addr + INTALIGN(offset));
! 		result->val.binary.len = getJsonbLength(container, index) -
! 			(INTALIGN(offset) - offset);
*************** recurse:
*** 668,680 ****
  			 * a full conversion
  			val->val.array.rawScalar = (*it)->isScalar;
! 			(*it)->i = 0;
  			/* Set state for next call */
  			(*it)->state = JBI_ARRAY_ELEM;
  			return WJB_BEGIN_ARRAY;
  		case JBI_ARRAY_ELEM:
! 			if ((*it)->i >= (*it)->nElems)
  				 * All elements within array already processed.  Report this
--- 740,754 ----
  			 * a full conversion
  			val->val.array.rawScalar = (*it)->isScalar;
! 			(*it)->curIndex = 0;
! 			(*it)->curDataOffset = 0;
! 			(*it)->curValueOffset = 0;	/* not actually used */
  			/* Set state for next call */
  			(*it)->state = JBI_ARRAY_ELEM;
  			return WJB_BEGIN_ARRAY;
  		case JBI_ARRAY_ELEM:
! 			if ((*it)->curIndex >= (*it)->nElems)
  				 * All elements within array already processed.  Report this
*************** recurse:
*** 686,692 ****
  				return WJB_END_ARRAY;
! 			fillJsonbValue((*it)->children, (*it)->i++, (*it)->dataProper, val);
  			if (!IsAJsonbScalar(val) && !skipNested)
--- 760,772 ----
  				return WJB_END_ARRAY;
! 			fillJsonbValue((*it)->container, (*it)->curIndex,
! 						   (*it)->dataProper, (*it)->curDataOffset,
! 						   val);
! 			JBE_ADVANCE_OFFSET((*it)->curDataOffset,
! 							   (*it)->children[(*it)->curIndex]);
! 			(*it)->curIndex++;
  			if (!IsAJsonbScalar(val) && !skipNested)
*************** recurse:
*** 697,704 ****
! 				 * Scalar item in array, or a container and caller didn't
! 				 * want us to recurse into it.
  				return WJB_ELEM;
--- 777,784 ----
! 				 * Scalar item in array, or a container and caller didn't want
! 				 * us to recurse into it.
  				return WJB_ELEM;
*************** recurse:
*** 712,724 ****
  			 * v->val.object.pairs is not actually set, because we aren't
  			 * doing a full conversion
! 			(*it)->i = 0;
  			/* Set state for next call */
  			(*it)->state = JBI_OBJECT_KEY;
  			return WJB_BEGIN_OBJECT;
  		case JBI_OBJECT_KEY:
! 			if ((*it)->i >= (*it)->nElems)
  				 * All pairs within object already processed.  Report this to
--- 792,807 ----
  			 * v->val.object.pairs is not actually set, because we aren't
  			 * doing a full conversion
! 			(*it)->curIndex = 0;
! 			(*it)->curDataOffset = 0;
! 			(*it)->curValueOffset = getJsonbOffset((*it)->container,
! 												   (*it)->nElems);
  			/* Set state for next call */
  			(*it)->state = JBI_OBJECT_KEY;
  			return WJB_BEGIN_OBJECT;
  		case JBI_OBJECT_KEY:
! 			if ((*it)->curIndex >= (*it)->nElems)
  				 * All pairs within object already processed.  Report this to
*************** recurse:
*** 732,738 ****
  				/* Return key of a key/value pair.  */
! 				fillJsonbValue((*it)->children, (*it)->i * 2, (*it)->dataProper, val);
  				if (val->type != jbvString)
  					elog(ERROR, "unexpected jsonb type as object key");
--- 815,823 ----
  				/* Return key of a key/value pair.  */
! 				fillJsonbValue((*it)->container, (*it)->curIndex,
! 							   (*it)->dataProper, (*it)->curDataOffset,
! 							   val);
  				if (val->type != jbvString)
  					elog(ERROR, "unexpected jsonb type as object key");
*************** recurse:
*** 745,752 ****
  			/* Set state for next call */
  			(*it)->state = JBI_OBJECT_KEY;
! 			fillJsonbValue((*it)->children, ((*it)->i++) * 2 + 1,
! 						   (*it)->dataProper, val);
  			 * Value may be a container, in which case we recurse with new,
--- 830,844 ----
  			/* Set state for next call */
  			(*it)->state = JBI_OBJECT_KEY;
! 			fillJsonbValue((*it)->container, (*it)->curIndex + (*it)->nElems,
! 						   (*it)->dataProper, (*it)->curValueOffset,
! 						   val);
! 			JBE_ADVANCE_OFFSET((*it)->curDataOffset,
! 							   (*it)->children[(*it)->curIndex]);
! 			JBE_ADVANCE_OFFSET((*it)->curValueOffset,
! 						   (*it)->children[(*it)->curIndex + (*it)->nElems]);
! 			(*it)->curIndex++;
  			 * Value may be a container, in which case we recurse with new,
*************** iteratorFromContainer(JsonbContainer *co
*** 795,805 ****
  		case JB_FOBJECT:
- 			/*
- 			 * Offset reflects that nElems indicates JsonbPairs in an object.
- 			 * Each key and each value contain Jentry metadata just the same.
- 			 */
  			it->dataProper =
  				(char *) it->children + it->nElems * sizeof(JEntry) * 2;
  			it->state = JBI_OBJECT_START;
--- 887,892 ----
*************** reserveFromBuffer(StringInfo buffer, int
*** 1209,1216 ****
  	buffer->len += len;
! 	 * Keep a trailing null in place, even though it's not useful for us;
! 	 * it seems best to preserve the invariants of StringInfos.
  	buffer->data[buffer->len] = '\0';
--- 1296,1303 ----
  	buffer->len += len;
! 	 * Keep a trailing null in place, even though it's not useful for us; it
! 	 * seems best to preserve the invariants of StringInfos.
  	buffer->data[buffer->len] = '\0';
*************** convertToJsonb(JsonbValue *val)
*** 1284,1291 ****
  	 * Note: the JEntry of the root is discarded. Therefore the root
! 	 * JsonbContainer struct must contain enough information to tell what
! 	 * kind of value it is.
  	res = (Jsonb *) buffer.data;
--- 1371,1378 ----
  	 * Note: the JEntry of the root is discarded. Therefore the root
! 	 * JsonbContainer struct must contain enough information to tell what kind
! 	 * of value it is.
  	res = (Jsonb *) buffer.data;
*************** convertToJsonb(JsonbValue *val)
*** 1298,1307 ****
   * Subroutine of convertJsonb: serialize a single JsonbValue into buffer.
!  * The JEntry header for this node is returned in *header. It is filled in
!  * with the length of this value, but if it is stored in an array or an
!  * object (which is always, except for the root node), it is the caller's
!  * responsibility to adjust it with the offset within the container.
   * If the value is an array or an object, this recurses. 'level' is only used
   * for debugging purposes.
--- 1385,1394 ----
   * Subroutine of convertJsonb: serialize a single JsonbValue into buffer.
!  * The JEntry header for this node is returned in *header.  It is filled in
!  * with the length of this value and appropriate type bits.  If we wish to
!  * store an end offset rather than a length, it is the caller's responsibility
!  * to adjust for that.
   * If the value is an array or an object, this recurses. 'level' is only used
   * for debugging purposes.
*************** convertJsonbValue(StringInfo buffer, JEn
*** 1315,1324 ****
! 	 * A JsonbValue passed as val should never have a type of jbvBinary,
! 	 * and neither should any of its sub-components. Those values will be
! 	 * produced by convertJsonbArray and convertJsonbObject, the results of
! 	 * which will not be passed back to this function as an argument.
  	if (IsAJsonbScalar(val))
--- 1402,1411 ----
! 	 * A JsonbValue passed as val should never have a type of jbvBinary, and
! 	 * neither should any of its sub-components. Those values will be produced
! 	 * by convertJsonbArray and convertJsonbObject, the results of which will
! 	 * not be passed back to this function as an argument.
  	if (IsAJsonbScalar(val))
*************** convertJsonbValue(StringInfo buffer, JEn
*** 1334,1457 ****
  static void
  convertJsonbArray(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *pheader, JsonbValue *val, int level)
! 	int			offset;
! 	int			metaoffset;
  	int			i;
  	int			totallen;
  	uint32		header;
! 	/* Initialize pointer into conversion buffer at this level */
! 	offset = buffer->len;
! 	 * Construct the header Jentry, stored in the beginning of the variable-
! 	 * length payload.
! 	header = val->val.array.nElems | JB_FARRAY;
  	if (val->val.array.rawScalar)
! 		Assert(val->val.array.nElems == 1);
  		Assert(level == 0);
  		header |= JB_FSCALAR;
  	appendToBuffer(buffer, (char *) &header, sizeof(uint32));
! 	/* reserve space for the JEntries of the elements. */
! 	metaoffset = reserveFromBuffer(buffer, sizeof(JEntry) * val->val.array.nElems);
  	totallen = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < val->val.array.nElems; i++)
  		JsonbValue *elem = &val->val.array.elems[i];
  		int			len;
  		JEntry		meta;
  		convertJsonbValue(buffer, &meta, elem, level + 1);
! 		len = meta & JENTRY_POSMASK;
  		totallen += len;
! 		if (totallen > JENTRY_POSMASK)
  					 errmsg("total size of jsonb array elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 							JENTRY_POSMASK)));
! 		if (i > 0)
! 			meta = (meta & ~JENTRY_POSMASK) | totallen;
! 		copyToBuffer(buffer, metaoffset, (char *) &meta, sizeof(JEntry));
! 		metaoffset += sizeof(JEntry);
! 	totallen = buffer->len - offset;
! 	/* Initialize the header of this node, in the container's JEntry array */
  	*pheader = JENTRY_ISCONTAINER | totallen;
  static void
  convertJsonbObject(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *pheader, JsonbValue *val, int level)
! 	uint32		header;
! 	int			offset;
! 	int			metaoffset;
  	int			i;
  	int			totallen;
! 	/* Initialize pointer into conversion buffer at this level */
! 	offset = buffer->len;
! 	/* Initialize header */
! 	header = val->val.object.nPairs | JB_FOBJECT;
  	appendToBuffer(buffer, (char *) &header, sizeof(uint32));
! 	/* reserve space for the JEntries of the keys and values */
! 	metaoffset = reserveFromBuffer(buffer, sizeof(JEntry) * val->val.object.nPairs * 2);
  	totallen = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < val->val.object.nPairs; i++)
! 		JsonbPair *pair = &val->val.object.pairs[i];
! 		int len;
! 		JEntry meta;
! 		/* put key */
  		convertJsonbScalar(buffer, &meta, &pair->key);
! 		len = meta & JENTRY_POSMASK;
  		totallen += len;
! 		if (totallen > JENTRY_POSMASK)
! 					 errmsg("total size of jsonb array elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 							JENTRY_POSMASK)));
! 		if (i > 0)
! 			meta = (meta & ~JENTRY_POSMASK) | totallen;
! 		copyToBuffer(buffer, metaoffset, (char *) &meta, sizeof(JEntry));
! 		metaoffset += sizeof(JEntry);
! 		convertJsonbValue(buffer, &meta, &pair->value, level);
! 		len = meta & JENTRY_POSMASK;
  		totallen += len;
! 		if (totallen > JENTRY_POSMASK)
! 					 errmsg("total size of jsonb array elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 							JENTRY_POSMASK)));
! 		meta = (meta & ~JENTRY_POSMASK) | totallen;
! 		copyToBuffer(buffer, metaoffset, (char *) &meta, sizeof(JEntry));
! 		metaoffset += sizeof(JEntry);
! 	totallen = buffer->len - offset;
  	*pheader = JENTRY_ISCONTAINER | totallen;
--- 1421,1620 ----
  static void
  convertJsonbArray(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *pheader, JsonbValue *val, int level)
! 	int			base_offset;
! 	int			jentry_offset;
  	int			i;
  	int			totallen;
  	uint32		header;
+ 	int			nElems = val->val.array.nElems;
! 	/* Remember where in the buffer this array starts. */
! 	base_offset = buffer->len;
+ 	/* Align to 4-byte boundary (any padding counts as part of my data) */
! 	 * Construct the header Jentry and store it in the beginning of the
! 	 * variable-length payload.
! 	header = nElems | JB_FARRAY;
  	if (val->val.array.rawScalar)
! 		Assert(nElems == 1);
  		Assert(level == 0);
  		header |= JB_FSCALAR;
  	appendToBuffer(buffer, (char *) &header, sizeof(uint32));
! 	/* Reserve space for the JEntries of the elements. */
! 	jentry_offset = reserveFromBuffer(buffer, sizeof(JEntry) * nElems);
  	totallen = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < nElems; i++)
  		JsonbValue *elem = &val->val.array.elems[i];
  		int			len;
  		JEntry		meta;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Convert element, producing a JEntry and appending its
+ 		 * variable-length data to buffer
+ 		 */
  		convertJsonbValue(buffer, &meta, elem, level + 1);
! 		len = JBE_OFFLENFLD(meta);
  		totallen += len;
! 		/*
! 		 * Bail out if total variable-length data exceeds what will fit in a
! 		 * JEntry length field.  We check this in each iteration, not just
! 		 * once at the end, to forestall possible integer overflow.
! 		 */
! 		if (totallen > JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)
  					 errmsg("total size of jsonb array elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 		/*
! 		 * Convert each JB_OFFSET_STRIDE'th length to an offset.
! 		 */
! 		if ((i % JB_OFFSET_STRIDE) == 0)
! 			meta = (meta & JENTRY_TYPEMASK) | totallen | JENTRY_HAS_OFF;
! 		copyToBuffer(buffer, jentry_offset, (char *) &meta, sizeof(JEntry));
! 		jentry_offset += sizeof(JEntry);
! 	/* Total data size is everything we've appended to buffer */
! 	totallen = buffer->len - base_offset;
! 	/* Check length again, since we didn't include the metadata above */
! 	if (totallen > JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)
! 		ereport(ERROR,
! 				 errmsg("total size of jsonb array elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 	/* Initialize the header of this node in the container's JEntry array */
  	*pheader = JENTRY_ISCONTAINER | totallen;
  static void
  convertJsonbObject(StringInfo buffer, JEntry *pheader, JsonbValue *val, int level)
! 	int			base_offset;
! 	int			jentry_offset;
  	int			i;
  	int			totallen;
+ 	uint32		header;
+ 	int			nPairs = val->val.object.nPairs;
! 	/* Remember where in the buffer this object starts. */
! 	base_offset = buffer->len;
+ 	/* Align to 4-byte boundary (any padding counts as part of my data) */
! 	/*
! 	 * Construct the header Jentry and store it in the beginning of the
! 	 * variable-length payload.
! 	 */
! 	header = nPairs | JB_FOBJECT;
  	appendToBuffer(buffer, (char *) &header, sizeof(uint32));
! 	/* Reserve space for the JEntries of the keys and values. */
! 	jentry_offset = reserveFromBuffer(buffer, sizeof(JEntry) * nPairs * 2);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Iterate over the keys, then over the values, since that is the ordering
+ 	 * we want in the on-disk representation.
+ 	 */
  	totallen = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < nPairs; i++)
! 		JsonbPair  *pair = &val->val.object.pairs[i];
! 		int			len;
! 		JEntry		meta;
! 		/*
! 		 * Convert key, producing a JEntry and appending its variable-length
! 		 * data to buffer
! 		 */
  		convertJsonbScalar(buffer, &meta, &pair->key);
! 		len = JBE_OFFLENFLD(meta);
  		totallen += len;
! 		/*
! 		 * Bail out if total variable-length data exceeds what will fit in a
! 		 * JEntry length field.  We check this in each iteration, not just
! 		 * once at the end, to forestall possible integer overflow.
! 		 */
! 		if (totallen > JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)
! 					 errmsg("total size of jsonb object elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 		/*
! 		 * Convert each JB_OFFSET_STRIDE'th length to an offset.
! 		 */
! 		if ((i % JB_OFFSET_STRIDE) == 0)
! 			meta = (meta & JENTRY_TYPEMASK) | totallen | JENTRY_HAS_OFF;
! 		copyToBuffer(buffer, jentry_offset, (char *) &meta, sizeof(JEntry));
! 		jentry_offset += sizeof(JEntry);
! 	}
! 	for (i = 0; i < nPairs; i++)
! 	{
! 		JsonbPair  *pair = &val->val.object.pairs[i];
! 		int			len;
! 		JEntry		meta;
! 		/*
! 		 * Convert value, producing a JEntry and appending its variable-length
! 		 * data to buffer
! 		 */
! 		convertJsonbValue(buffer, &meta, &pair->value, level + 1);
! 		len = JBE_OFFLENFLD(meta);
  		totallen += len;
! 		/*
! 		 * Bail out if total variable-length data exceeds what will fit in a
! 		 * JEntry length field.  We check this in each iteration, not just
! 		 * once at the end, to forestall possible integer overflow.
! 		 */
! 		if (totallen > JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)
! 					 errmsg("total size of jsonb object elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
! 		/*
! 		 * Convert each JB_OFFSET_STRIDE'th length to an offset.
! 		 */
! 		if (((i + nPairs) % JB_OFFSET_STRIDE) == 0)
! 			meta = (meta & JENTRY_TYPEMASK) | totallen | JENTRY_HAS_OFF;
! 		copyToBuffer(buffer, jentry_offset, (char *) &meta, sizeof(JEntry));
! 		jentry_offset += sizeof(JEntry);
! 	/* Total data size is everything we've appended to buffer */
! 	totallen = buffer->len - base_offset;
+ 	/* Check length again, since we didn't include the metadata above */
+ 	if (totallen > JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("total size of jsonb object elements exceeds the maximum of %u bytes",
+ 	/* Initialize the header of this node in the container's JEntry array */
  	*pheader = JENTRY_ISCONTAINER | totallen;
diff --git a/src/include/utils/jsonb.h b/src/include/utils/jsonb.h
index 91e3e14..b89e4cb 100644
*** a/src/include/utils/jsonb.h
--- b/src/include/utils/jsonb.h
*************** typedef struct JsonbValue JsonbValue;
*** 83,91 ****
   * buffer is accessed, but they can also be deep copied and passed around.
   * Jsonb is a tree structure. Each node in the tree consists of a JEntry
!  * header, and a variable-length content.  The JEntry header indicates what
!  * kind of a node it is, e.g. a string or an array, and the offset and length
!  * of its variable-length portion within the container.
   * The JEntry and the content of a node are not stored physically together.
   * Instead, the container array or object has an array that holds the JEntrys
--- 83,91 ----
   * buffer is accessed, but they can also be deep copied and passed around.
   * Jsonb is a tree structure. Each node in the tree consists of a JEntry
!  * header and a variable-length content (possibly of zero size).  The JEntry
!  * header indicates what kind of a node it is, e.g. a string or an array,
!  * and provides the length of its variable-length portion.
   * The JEntry and the content of a node are not stored physically together.
   * Instead, the container array or object has an array that holds the JEntrys
*************** typedef struct JsonbValue JsonbValue;
*** 95,134 ****
   * hold its JEntry. Hence, no JEntry header is stored for the root node.  It
   * is implicitly known that the root node must be an array or an object,
   * so we can get away without the type indicator as long as we can distinguish
!  * the two.  For that purpose, both an array and an object begins with a uint32
   * header field, which contains an JB_FOBJECT or JB_FARRAY flag.  When a naked
   * scalar value needs to be stored as a Jsonb value, what we actually store is
   * an array with one element, with the flags in the array's header field set
-  * To encode the length and offset of the variable-length portion of each
-  * node in a compact way, the JEntry stores only the end offset within the
-  * variable-length portion of the container node. For the first JEntry in the
-  * container's JEntry array, that equals to the length of the node data.  The
-  * begin offset and length of the rest of the entries can be calculated using
-  * the end offset of the previous JEntry in the array.
-  *
   * Overall, the Jsonb struct requires 4-bytes alignment. Within the struct,
   * the variable-length portion of some node types is aligned to a 4-byte
   * boundary, while others are not. When alignment is needed, the padding is
   * in the beginning of the node that requires it. For example, if a numeric
   * node is stored after a string node, so that the numeric node begins at
   * offset 3, the variable-length portion of the numeric node will begin with
!  * one padding byte.
!  * Jentry format.
!  * The least significant 28 bits store the end offset of the entry (see
!  * JBE_ENDPOS, JBE_OFF, JBE_LEN macros below). The next three bits
!  * are used to store the type of the entry. The most significant bit
!  * is unused, and should be set to zero.
  typedef uint32 JEntry;
  #define JENTRY_TYPEMASK			0x70000000
  /* values stored in the type bits */
  #define JENTRY_ISSTRING			0x00000000
--- 95,146 ----
   * hold its JEntry. Hence, no JEntry header is stored for the root node.  It
   * is implicitly known that the root node must be an array or an object,
   * so we can get away without the type indicator as long as we can distinguish
!  * the two.  For that purpose, both an array and an object begin with a uint32
   * header field, which contains an JB_FOBJECT or JB_FARRAY flag.  When a naked
   * scalar value needs to be stored as a Jsonb value, what we actually store is
   * an array with one element, with the flags in the array's header field set
   * Overall, the Jsonb struct requires 4-bytes alignment. Within the struct,
   * the variable-length portion of some node types is aligned to a 4-byte
   * boundary, while others are not. When alignment is needed, the padding is
   * in the beginning of the node that requires it. For example, if a numeric
   * node is stored after a string node, so that the numeric node begins at
   * offset 3, the variable-length portion of the numeric node will begin with
!  * one padding byte so that the actual numeric data is 4-byte aligned.
!  * JEntry format.
!  * The least significant 28 bits store either the data length of the entry,
!  * or its end+1 offset from the start of the variable-length portion of the
!  * containing object.  The next three bits store the type of the entry, and
!  * the high-order bit tells whether the least significant bits store a length
!  * or an offset.
!  *
!  * The reason for the offset-or-length complication is to compromise between
!  * access speed and data compressibility.  In the initial design each JEntry
!  * always stored an offset, but this resulted in JEntry arrays with horrible
!  * compressibility properties, so that TOAST compression of a JSONB did not
!  * work well.  Storing only lengths would greatly improve compressibility,
!  * but it makes random access into large arrays expensive (O(N) not O(1)).
!  * So what we do is store an offset in every JB_OFFSET_STRIDE'th JEntry and
!  * a length in the rest.  This results in reasonably compressible data (as
!  * long as the stride isn't too small).  We may have to examine as many as
!  * JB_OFFSET_STRIDE JEntrys in order to find out the offset or length of any
!  * given item, but that's still O(1) no matter how large the container is.
!  *
!  * We could avoid eating a flag bit for this purpose if we were to store
!  * the stride in the container header, or if we were willing to treat the
!  * stride as an unchangeable constant.  Neither of those options is very
!  * attractive though.
  typedef uint32 JEntry;
  #define JENTRY_TYPEMASK			0x70000000
+ #define JENTRY_HAS_OFF			0x80000000
  /* values stored in the type bits */
  #define JENTRY_ISSTRING			0x00000000
*************** typedef uint32 JEntry;
*** 138,144 ****
  #define JENTRY_ISNULL			0x40000000
  #define JENTRY_ISCONTAINER		0x50000000		/* array or object */
! /* Note possible multiple evaluations */
--- 150,158 ----
  #define JENTRY_ISNULL			0x40000000
  #define JENTRY_ISCONTAINER		0x50000000		/* array or object */
! /* Access macros.  Note possible multiple evaluations */
! #define JBE_OFFLENFLD(je_)		((je_) & JENTRY_OFFLENMASK)
! #define JBE_HAS_OFF(je_)		(((je_) & JENTRY_HAS_OFF) != 0)
*************** typedef uint32 JEntry;
*** 147,166 ****
  #define JBE_ISBOOL(je_)			(JBE_ISBOOL_TRUE(je_) || JBE_ISBOOL_FALSE(je_))
!  * Macros for getting the offset and length of an element. Note multiple
!  * evaluations and access to prior array element.
! #define JBE_ENDPOS(je_)			((je_) & JENTRY_POSMASK)
! #define JBE_OFF(ja, i)			((i) == 0 ? 0 : JBE_ENDPOS((ja)[i - 1]))
! #define JBE_LEN(ja, i)			((i) == 0 ? JBE_ENDPOS((ja)[i]) \
! 								 : JBE_ENDPOS((ja)[i]) - JBE_ENDPOS((ja)[i - 1]))
   * A jsonb array or object node, within a Jsonb Datum.
!  * An array has one child for each element. An object has two children for
!  * each key/value pair.
  typedef struct JsonbContainer
--- 161,194 ----
  #define JBE_ISBOOL(je_)			(JBE_ISBOOL_TRUE(je_) || JBE_ISBOOL_FALSE(je_))
+ /* Macro for advancing an offset variable to the next JEntry */
+ #define JBE_ADVANCE_OFFSET(offset, je) \
+ 	do { \
+ 		JEntry	je_ = (je); \
+ 		if (JBE_HAS_OFF(je_)) \
+ 			(offset) = JBE_OFFLENFLD(je_); \
+ 		else \
+ 			(offset) += JBE_OFFLENFLD(je_); \
+ 	} while(0)
!  * We store an offset, not a length, every JB_OFFSET_STRIDE children.
!  * Caution: this macro should only be referenced when creating a JSONB
!  * value.  When examining an existing value, pay attention to the HAS_OFF
!  * bits instead.  This allows changes in the offset-placement heuristic
!  * without breaking on-disk compatibility.
! #define JB_OFFSET_STRIDE		32
   * A jsonb array or object node, within a Jsonb Datum.
!  * An array has one child for each element, stored in array order.
!  *
!  * An object has two children for each key/value pair.  The keys all appear
!  * first, in key sort order; then the values appear, in an order matching the
!  * key order.  This arrangement keeps the keys compact in memory, making a
!  * search for a particular key more cache-friendly.
  typedef struct JsonbContainer
*************** typedef struct JsonbContainer
*** 172,179 ****
  } JsonbContainer;
  /* flags for the header-field in JsonbContainer */
! #define JB_CMASK				0x0FFFFFFF
! #define JB_FSCALAR				0x10000000
  #define JB_FOBJECT				0x20000000
  #define JB_FARRAY				0x40000000
--- 200,207 ----
  } JsonbContainer;
  /* flags for the header-field in JsonbContainer */
! #define JB_CMASK				0x0FFFFFFF		/* mask for count field */
! #define JB_FSCALAR				0x10000000		/* flag bits */
  #define JB_FOBJECT				0x20000000
  #define JB_FARRAY				0x40000000
*************** struct JsonbValue
*** 248,265 ****
  									 (jsonbval)->type <= jbvBool)
!  * Pair within an Object.
!  * Pairs with duplicate keys are de-duplicated.  We store the order for the
!  * benefit of doing so in a well-defined way with respect to the original
!  * observed order (which is "last observed wins").  This is only used briefly
!  * when originally constructing a Jsonb.
  struct JsonbPair
  	JsonbValue	key;			/* Must be a jbvString */
  	JsonbValue	value;			/* May be of any type */
! 	uint32		order;			/* preserves order of pairs with equal keys */
  /* Conversion state used when parsing Jsonb from text, or for type coercion */
--- 276,295 ----
  									 (jsonbval)->type <= jbvBool)
!  * Key/value pair within an Object.
!  * This struct type is only used briefly while constructing a Jsonb; it is
!  * *not* the on-disk representation.
!  *
!  * Pairs with duplicate keys are de-duplicated.  We store the originally
!  * observed pair ordering for the purpose of removing duplicates in a
!  * well-defined way (which is "last observed wins").
  struct JsonbPair
  	JsonbValue	key;			/* Must be a jbvString */
  	JsonbValue	value;			/* May be of any type */
! 	uint32		order;			/* Pair's index in original sequence */
  /* Conversion state used when parsing Jsonb from text, or for type coercion */
*************** typedef struct JsonbIterator
*** 287,306 ****
  	/* Container being iterated */
  	JsonbContainer *container;
! 	uint32		nElems;			/* Number of elements in children array (will be
! 								 * nPairs for objects) */
  	bool		isScalar;		/* Pseudo-array scalar value? */
! 	JEntry	   *children;
! 	/* Current item in buffer (up to nElems, but must * 2 for objects) */
! 	int			i;
! 	 * Data proper.  This points just past end of children array.
! 	 * We use the JBE_OFF() macro on the Jentrys to find offsets of each
! 	 * child in this area.
! 	char	   *dataProper;
  	/* Private state */
  	JsonbIterState state;
--- 317,341 ----
  	/* Container being iterated */
  	JsonbContainer *container;
! 	uint32		nElems;			/* Number of elements in children array (will
! 								 * be nPairs for objects) */
  	bool		isScalar;		/* Pseudo-array scalar value? */
! 	JEntry	   *children;		/* JEntrys for child nodes */
! 	/* Data proper.  This points to the beginning of the variable-length data */
! 	char	   *dataProper;
! 	/* Current item in buffer (up to nElems) */
! 	int			curIndex;
! 	/* Data offset corresponding to current item */
! 	uint32		curDataOffset;
! 	 * If the container is an object, we want to return keys and values
! 	 * alternately; so curDataOffset points to the current key, and
! 	 * curValueOffset points to the current value.
! 	uint32		curValueOffset;
  	/* Private state */
  	JsonbIterState state;
*************** extern Datum gin_consistent_jsonb_path(P
*** 344,349 ****
--- 379,386 ----
  extern Datum gin_triconsistent_jsonb_path(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  /* Support functions */
+ extern uint32 getJsonbOffset(const JsonbContainer *jc, int index);
+ extern uint32 getJsonbLength(const JsonbContainer *jc, int index);
  extern int	compareJsonbContainers(JsonbContainer *a, JsonbContainer *b);
  extern JsonbValue *findJsonbValueFromContainer(JsonbContainer *sheader,
  							uint32 flags,
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