On 10/6/14, 9:59 AM, Feike Steenbergen wrote:
It would test that when setting AUTOCOMMIT to off that you will not run into:

ERROR: [...] cannot run inside a transaction block

when issuing one of these PreventTransactionChain commands. In

Yes, but what happens when a new non-transaction command is added? If we forget 
to exclude it in psql, we'll certainly also forget to add it to the unit test.

The options I see...

1) If there's a definitive way to tell from backend source code what commands 
disallow transactions then we can just use that information to generate the 
list of commands psql shouldn't do that with.

2) Always run the regression test with auto-commit turned off.

3) Run the regression in both modes (presumably only on the build farm due to 
how long it would take).
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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