On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Michael Banck <michael.ba...@credativ.de> wrote:
> Looking at it from a DBA perspective, this would indeed be better, yes.
> However, I see a few issues with that:
> 1. If you are using an init script (or another wrapper around pg_ctl),
> you don't get any of its output it seems.
> 2. Having taken a quick look at pg_ctl, it seems to just kill the
> postmaster on shutdown and wait for its PID file to disappear.  I don't
> see how it should figure out that PostgreSQL is waiting for a checkpoint
> to be finished?
>> Or do both. I suspect elog( INFO, ... ) might do that.
> That would imply that pg_ctl receives and writes out log messages
> directed at clients, which I don't think is true?  Even if it was,
> client_min_messages does not include an INFO level, and LOG is not being
> logged to clients by default. So the first common level above the
> default of both client_min_messages and log_min_messages would be
> WARNING, which seems excessive to me.
> As I said, I only took a quick look at pg_ctl though, so I might well be
> missing something.

I think you're spot-on.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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