On 10/10/2014 02:05 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
* Heikki Linnakangas (hlinnakan...@vmware.com) wrote:
On 10/10/2014 01:35 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
Regarding functions, 'leakproof' functions should be alright to allow,
though Heikki brings up a good point regarding binary search being
possible in a plpgsql function (or even directly by a client).  Of
course, that approach also requires that you have a specific item in

It doesn't require that you have a specific item in mind. Binary
search is cheap, O(log n). It's easy to write a function to do a
binary search on a single item, passed as argument, and then apply
that to all rows:

SELECT binary_search_reveal(cardnumber) FROM redacted_table;

Note that your binary_search_reveal wouldn't be marked as leakproof and
therefore this wouldn't be allowed.  If this was allowed, you'd simply
do "raise notice" inside the function and call it a day.

*shrug*, just do the same with a more complicated query, then. Even if you can't create a function that does that, you can still execute the same logic without a function.

- Heikki

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