There has been some previous discussion of changing the FE/BE protocol
in 7.4, in order to fix several problems. I think this is worth doing:
if we can resolve all these issues in a single release, it will lessen
the upgrade difficulties for users.
Here are a couple of other changes you might consider (maybe these changes already exist and I just don't know about them):

a) Make much of the metadata sent to the client optional. When I execute 20 fetches against the same cursor, I don't need the same metadata 20 times. For narrow result sets, the metadata can easily double or triple the number of bytes sent across the net. It looks like the protocol needs the field count, but everything else seems to be sent for the convenience of the client application.

b) Send a decoded version of atttypmod - specifically, decode the precision and scale for numeric types.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

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