On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On 31 October 2014 18:29, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Suppose somebody fires off a parallel sort on a text column, or a
>> parallel sequential scan involving a qual of the form textcol = 'zog'.
>> We launch a bunch of workers to do comparisons; they do lookups
>> against pg_collation.  After some but not all of them have loaded the
>> collation information they need into their local cache, the DBA types
>> "cluster pg_collate".  It queues up for an AccessExclusiveLock.  The
>> remaining parallel workers join the wait queue waiting for their
>> AccessShareLock. The system is now deadlocked; the only solution is to
>> move the parallel workers ahead of the AccessExclusiveLock request,
>> but the deadlock detector won't do that unless it knows about the
>> relationship among the parallel workers.
> It's an obscure case and its not the only solution either.

I don't think that's an obscure situation at all.  Do you really think
a patch that could cause an attempt to VACUUM FULL a system catalog to
suffer an undetected deadlock meets this community's quality
standards?  Because that's what we're talking about.

You are right that it isn't the only solution.  I have said the same
thing myself, multiple times, on this thread.

> I'm really surprised that having workers do their own locking doesn't
> scare you. Personally, it scares me.

Frankly, the reverse decision scares me a heck of a lot more.  It
superficially seems like a good idea to have the master take locks on
behalf of the workers, but when you start to really think about how
many low-level parts of the code take locks, it quickly becomes
evident, at least to me, that trying to make the resulting system
robust will be a nightmare.

Don't forget that there are not only relation locks but also page
locks, tuple locks, relation extension locks, XID and VXID locks,
locks on arbitrary database or shared objects.  The deadlock detector
handles them all.  If avoiding deadlock outside the lock manager is so
easy, why do we have a deadlock detector in the first place?  Why not
just change all of our other code to avoid them instead?

> It's not like we're the first do parallel query. Honestly, how many
> parallel databases do you think do this?

All of them.

I might be wrong, of course, but I see no reason at all to believe
that Oracle or SQL Server have ignoring deadlock detection when
parallel query is in use.

> I can't see this being a practical, workable solution for running a
> parallel query across a cluster of many nodes. Shared, distributed
> lock table?

I am not proposing a distributed lock manager that can run across many
nodes.  The considerations for such a piece of software are largely
orthogonal to the problem that I'm actually trying to solve here, and
at least an order of magnitude more complex.  If you make it sound
like that's the project that I'm doing, then of course it's going to
sound frighteningly complicated.  But I'm not.

I'm sort of baffled by your concern on this point.  Sure, the lock
manager is a complex and performance-sensitive piece of code, and we
have to be careful not to break it or make it slower.  But we're not
talking about launching a rocket to Mars here; we're just talking
about making the lock manager interface look the same way to two
cooperating backends issuing lock requests in parallel that it looks
to a single backend making those requests serially.  I don't think
it's noticeably harder than getting Hot Standby conflict resolution
work, or getting historical snapshots working for logical decoding, or
making the visibility map crash-safe - in fact, I'd bet on it being
substantially easier than the first two of those, because all the
logic is inside a single, relatively simple backend subsystem.  Why
we'd want to minimize complexity there at the cost of spreading it
across half the backend is mysterious to me.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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